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I got both sweet apples and tart apples in Pokemon Sword?

Gwai Bong

New Member
Does anyone have the same "problem"? I've checked online and it seems the Sweet apple is still exclusive to Pokemon Shield. This is just like the Gigalith glitch (Golurk spawns sometimes under the weather condition for Gigalith).


Salingerian Phony
Does anyone have the same "problem"? I've checked online and it seems the Sweet apple is still exclusive to Pokemon Shield. This is just like the Gigalith glitch (Golurk spawns sometimes under the weather condition for Gigalith).

There was an event pretty recently in which you could get items exclusive to the other version. The apples are one of them; if you played that event, you likely got them from there.


Doing Their Best
Thanks! I guess it's the event with lots of Gigantimax Falpples/Appletun?
It is actually the Pokédex competition event in which you can have raids featuring Pokémon that does not normally appear in your version (e.g: G-Corsola Raids in Pokemon Sword).


You! Me! Rivals! Yes?
Thanks! I guess it's the event with lots of Gigantimax Falpples/Appletun?
There was an event where you could catch version exclusive Pokemon fro the opposite version (Ponyta in Sword, Farfetch'd in Shield etc.), and version exclusive items like the Sweet Apple and Bach's Food Tin were among the prizes you got for winning each raid.