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I Got The Wii!!!!

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JPAA gang

Active Member
YES!!!!, I have the Wii in my possesion right now!!!!!! I waited 18 hours for it!!!!!!! its 12:23 eastern time

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member


well each wal-mart store was sopossed to have 29 Wii's but they only had 20. so there were 9 rainchecks. I was number 22 >.> and it is GARENTEED that I will get it before X-mas. they said that they will get them in a week tho :D the first 20 people had to weait till 12:01 AM but the people with the rainchecks had to wait till 10:00 PM because there was no point in waiting. my dad was number 23 but he went home then some other places. so another person took his spot. then my dad cam then at 9:30PM another guy came. so there are 4 rainchecks left.

we got there at 5:15PM and left at 10:20 PM :D thats the longest I've been at walmart :p


where gonna sell my dads Wii on ebay for some money :)

XD, I've been posting that everywhere. so I guess I'm the second person to own it T.T
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