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I hate standards!


King of the reptiles
I despise standard teams, it just means that everyone ends up with the same pokemon over and over again, Im sick of it.And it seems such a waste to have other pokemon if all the teams are the same. So gaze at the non-standardness of my team.


Manectric:Choice specs
Modest nature SpAtk Spd Evs
Hidden power

Special sweeper. Overheat is for hitting and running or when the opponent is down to there last pokemon that fire will do more damage to then electric.

Adamant nature Atk Spd Evs
Swords dance
Ice punch

I know about dragon dance, it just I have a very very good IV feraligatr and I dont want to breed for several hours getting one again. Phisical sweeper, swords dance then sweeps away.

Sassy nature SpDef Def Evs
Trick room
Gyro ball

Uses trick room and block on fast opponents then gyro balls then, explodes as a last resort

Relaxed nature Def Atk HP Evs
Rapid spin
Gyro ball

Phisical wall. Gyro balls faster pokemon, or spikes and earthquake.

Staraptor:Choice scarf
Adamant nature Atk Spd Evs
Brave bird
Close combat
Double edge

Kamikazie. U-turns when in trouble.

Froslass:Salac berry
Modest nature SpAtk Spd Evs
Ice beam
Destiny bond
Shadow ball

Brings down anyone foolish enough to attack.

Put that in your pipe and rate it.
And dont just say it fails because there are no standard pokemon in it.
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prophecy fulfilled
Modest nature SpAtk Spd Evs

I'd rather just stick Choice Specs on this and go Thunderbolt/Overheat/HP Ice/random move that will never be used

Timid by the way

Adamant nature Atk Spd Evs
Swords dance
Ice punch

Don't just stick 252/252/6 on this thing. It has great defence. Use some Def and HP evs, which will actually make it last a while.

Careful nature Atk SpDef Evs
Cosmic power
Stealth rock

Cosmic Power = no, you are asking to be CH'd. You are also Azelf setup bait, unless you explode on it, which is a waste of a Pokemon. Skarmory also comes in and laughs so hard as it sets up stealth rock, or spikes

Earth Power / Ice Beam / Rest / Sleep Talk

At least that way it can actually switch into a Salamence Draco Meteor

HP evs are more important then SDef evs

Impish nature Def Atk Evs
Rapid spin
Iron defense

Defencive stat-ups = no. The first thing that comes into this, will be something along the lines of Milotic/Starmie or Salamence. Iron Defence isn't gonna help you then.

Earthquake / Gyro Ball / Spin / Spikes - Relaxed Nature

HP evs are more important on this thing then Def evs btw

Staraptor:Choice scarf
Adamant nature Atk Spd Evs
Brave bird
Close combat
Double edge

Lead with this.

Froslass:Salac berry
Modest nature SpAtk Spd Evs
Ice beam
Destiny bond
Shadow ball

Timid nature @ Life Orb

Ice Beam / Bolt / Shadow Ball / Bond

It's fast enough with Timid to Bond anything you'll see face it anyway

If going to say it fails. Not because it has 'non-standard' pokemon, but because it pretty much does as a team.

The only real switch in you have into DD Tar is Forretress, where a DD'd Stone Edge will 2hko, and CH through your Iron Defence if you even try it, and your EQ 3hko's. At least if you were to use Gyro Ball you could 2hko with a -spd nature.

The only other hope you have against it is to let something die, then D-Bond it's Crunch with Froslass.

Nothing switches into Specsmence either. You say Cloydol is your SpWall. Yet it has no attack that can hit mence, outside of Explosion, and takes like 65% from Meteor.

I could go on, and tbh I don't know what Pokemon you could put in as putting something in to cover DDtar and SpecsMence over Forry and Cloydol will most likely open up more gaping holes.