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I have a question

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Well-Known Member
Where can I found or buy the TM Hidden Power?


Codenumber 242


Well-Known Member
Thanks, but I really don't know how the Pick Up ability works ^^


I like pie.
after a battle, a pokemon with the ability pickup, has a chance to pick up an item. they range from potions to rare candies and kings rock with ultra balls and super potions in between. keep in mind they don't necessarily have to pick something up after every battle. although i haven't heard of pickup getting tms before.
It really bothers me that it takes so much effort to get Hidden poer in FR/LG.
Oh well, it's not that great ingame anyway. :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks to all I' ll try it.


Well-Known Member
My meowth picked up like 5 of them in a week.


My 1st shiny ever
With the pickup ability, does the pickup pokemon needs to participate in the battle, or by only being in the team it has a chance?

BTW my meowth picked up once a HP ^_^


fuk yo couch ***** !
just put one anywhere in your team and walk about, you'll just randomly pick things up.
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