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I have Crystal

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Yesterday, I was at the mall with my mom and I went to GameStop and they have Pokemon Crystal version for the GameBoy Color. I bought the game and I was happy. I can transfer pokemon that are not in the game to my Pokemon Stadium 2 and start the game over to get more pokemon like ;152; , ;155; and ;158;! This game rocks!
umm all I can say is good for you?
uhh seriously whats the point of this thread? -_-
Gary's Raichu said:
umm all I can say is good for you?
uhh seriously whats the point of this thread? -_-

First off all, thank you and secondly, the point of this thred is that I bought the Pokemon Crystal version at Quaker Bride Mall a coulpe of days ago.


Dark trainer
BlueEyesUltamiteDragon204 said:
Yesterday, I was at the mall with my mom and I went to GameStop and they have Pokemon Crystal version for the GameBoy Color. I bought the game and I was happy. I can transfer pokemon that are not in the game to my Pokemon Stadium 2 and start the game over to get more pokemon like ;152; , ;155; and ;158;! This game rocks!
i buyed it three or four years ago
do they still sell it ???
i have seen an blue three days ago in a game store


breathe, spit, walk
so guys I heard somebody bought a crystal cartridge WHAT'S NEW


Well-Known Member
Yes, if you are not asking a question or trying to start meaningful conversation, I see no point in making a thread out of the blue.


Bad and Nationwide
Stop bumping this crap up to the top guys, LET IT DIE.

*realises slight hypcracy* IT WAS SECOND ON THE LIST!
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