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I Have Problems (Fawful Fanart FTW!)

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"Dude Looks Like a Lady"

Drawn in Shipainter Pro, took me about 130 minutes total. I think I'm going to go cry now.
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Kauser il più grande
Umm... Why did you make Fawful a girl? I've beaten M&L, and i think Fawful is a boy. Other than that, the head looks like it was made with the circle tool, and the right arm, (Her right, not our) looks curved.


That's the whole POINT of it, dear friend. He's crosdressing. That's why I said, I have problems.

And I have beaten the game many times. I am well-aware that he is not female, and that he does not wear a dress. And...I just draw beautiful circles, I guess? x_x?
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