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I just started


Musical Insomnia
I just re-started my game but i don't know which pokemon to train early;328;


Active Member
Ralts is always cool, or maybe you prefer Abra over it (I do). But you could wait for a while to get a Spoink for a psychic pokemon.

I restarted the game and so far, I have a Combusken, Lombre and Taillow, and we can't forget of HM Slave Zigzagoon ^_^ <but I'm not training it, maybe later>


Powerplay Champion
shroomish is mehhh,
but lotad is good, so is ralts...
how about trying to catch a slakoth:)


Well-Known Member
If you have the patientence, get a rare ralts , it will come in handy even though it only knows growl at 1st, it will pwn, it trades some sweeping capabilities for more staying power