Has a game ever made you cry?... This one did. 
I like my little buddy.. He's a charmander, and his name is Kindle (I'm a cubone). I've grown rather attatched to him I suppose, maybe it's all those awesome expressions he makes.. Maybe it's the fact that he sticks by my side, through thick and thin... I dunno, but I like him, and honestly - whenever somebody kills ME in the game, I'm like "oh darn"... but when somebody kills Kindle, I'm like "they must DIIIIIEEEEE!"...
So anyhow.. I'm off on my adventure in hell (the underground) to fight off Groundon in his own territory and save the day for Alakazam... I'm trudging along fairly well in the dungeon, although it's quite tough for a lowly Cubone and Charmander against all those big baddies... Although I must admit, having my friend "Affliction" (the absol) with me is quite handy. I've been using items sparingly, and yet I slowly run out... And then finally - SWEET BELOVED SAVE POINT! So I save, and have my PP restored, and my hunger vanquished... My heath is quite fine, and we're all doing well (Affliction, Kindle, and I that is)... And so off further into the dungeon we go.
Not more than FIVE MINUTES past the save point, and I "pop" into a room (out of stupidity) with a HUUUUGE Steelix floating just in front of me, and his "buddy" Steelix floating to my Flank (side). Being a bit frightened at my first sighting of such a HUGE pokemon (I mean... they're like.. 10x my sprite's size!!), I bravely decide to use my trusty attacks against them, and do fairly well too! That is, until I realize that I'm a bit low on health, and neither one of them have died yet. Not wanting to "waste" my precious healing berries (stupid me, yeah?), I fall back and let Kindle handle the monsters... After all, he's a fire type, and they're Steel.. He should be fine, right?
That's when I turn my tail around and decide to give him some help. You see, recently I learned this new attack "Bonemarang"... Or something like that.. It allows you to THROW your bone TWICE at enemies, far far away.. What a handy attack! I've dispatched many monsters with this trusty bone, and I would SAVE KINDLE with my new-found ability! So, heroicly I press "A", and let loose my first "throw" of the bone toward the horrid Steelix... And BEAT KINDLE over the back of the head, instantly knocking his brains all over the floor (I did over 100 damage on him)... We die.
Okay... So the game doesn't have such vivid graphics as "brains on floor", but... Come ON, it's a GROUND attack on CHARMANDER, and I hit him from BEHIND on the HEAD! That's even where the little bone sprite landed on him! What a loving friend I am to my little loyal buddy, right? *sigh*
First, I stared at the game in shock (after quickly turning off the screen)... Then, my eyes watered... Then I laughed... I SO need to draw a comic of that...
*sigh* Not bad for my second day of playing the game, right? *laughs nervously*
So... Has anybody else been completely embarassed by something stupid they've done in the game?
I like my little buddy.. He's a charmander, and his name is Kindle (I'm a cubone). I've grown rather attatched to him I suppose, maybe it's all those awesome expressions he makes.. Maybe it's the fact that he sticks by my side, through thick and thin... I dunno, but I like him, and honestly - whenever somebody kills ME in the game, I'm like "oh darn"... but when somebody kills Kindle, I'm like "they must DIIIIIEEEEE!"...
So anyhow.. I'm off on my adventure in hell (the underground) to fight off Groundon in his own territory and save the day for Alakazam... I'm trudging along fairly well in the dungeon, although it's quite tough for a lowly Cubone and Charmander against all those big baddies... Although I must admit, having my friend "Affliction" (the absol) with me is quite handy. I've been using items sparingly, and yet I slowly run out... And then finally - SWEET BELOVED SAVE POINT! So I save, and have my PP restored, and my hunger vanquished... My heath is quite fine, and we're all doing well (Affliction, Kindle, and I that is)... And so off further into the dungeon we go.
Not more than FIVE MINUTES past the save point, and I "pop" into a room (out of stupidity) with a HUUUUGE Steelix floating just in front of me, and his "buddy" Steelix floating to my Flank (side). Being a bit frightened at my first sighting of such a HUGE pokemon (I mean... they're like.. 10x my sprite's size!!), I bravely decide to use my trusty attacks against them, and do fairly well too! That is, until I realize that I'm a bit low on health, and neither one of them have died yet. Not wanting to "waste" my precious healing berries (stupid me, yeah?), I fall back and let Kindle handle the monsters... After all, he's a fire type, and they're Steel.. He should be fine, right?
That's when I turn my tail around and decide to give him some help. You see, recently I learned this new attack "Bonemarang"... Or something like that.. It allows you to THROW your bone TWICE at enemies, far far away.. What a handy attack! I've dispatched many monsters with this trusty bone, and I would SAVE KINDLE with my new-found ability! So, heroicly I press "A", and let loose my first "throw" of the bone toward the horrid Steelix... And BEAT KINDLE over the back of the head, instantly knocking his brains all over the floor (I did over 100 damage on him)... We die.
Okay... So the game doesn't have such vivid graphics as "brains on floor", but... Come ON, it's a GROUND attack on CHARMANDER, and I hit him from BEHIND on the HEAD! That's even where the little bone sprite landed on him! What a loving friend I am to my little loyal buddy, right? *sigh*
First, I stared at the game in shock (after quickly turning off the screen)... Then, my eyes watered... Then I laughed... I SO need to draw a comic of that...
*sigh* Not bad for my second day of playing the game, right? *laughs nervously*
So... Has anybody else been completely embarassed by something stupid they've done in the game?