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I killed Kindle!! :(


Has a game ever made you cry?... This one did. :p

I like my little buddy.. He's a charmander, and his name is Kindle (I'm a cubone). I've grown rather attatched to him I suppose, maybe it's all those awesome expressions he makes.. Maybe it's the fact that he sticks by my side, through thick and thin... I dunno, but I like him, and honestly - whenever somebody kills ME in the game, I'm like "oh darn"... but when somebody kills Kindle, I'm like "they must DIIIIIEEEEE!"...

So anyhow.. I'm off on my adventure in hell (the underground) to fight off Groundon in his own territory and save the day for Alakazam... I'm trudging along fairly well in the dungeon, although it's quite tough for a lowly Cubone and Charmander against all those big baddies... Although I must admit, having my friend "Affliction" (the absol) with me is quite handy. I've been using items sparingly, and yet I slowly run out... And then finally - SWEET BELOVED SAVE POINT! So I save, and have my PP restored, and my hunger vanquished... My heath is quite fine, and we're all doing well (Affliction, Kindle, and I that is)... And so off further into the dungeon we go.

Not more than FIVE MINUTES past the save point, and I "pop" into a room (out of stupidity) with a HUUUUGE Steelix floating just in front of me, and his "buddy" Steelix floating to my Flank (side). Being a bit frightened at my first sighting of such a HUGE pokemon (I mean... they're like.. 10x my sprite's size!!), I bravely decide to use my trusty attacks against them, and do fairly well too! That is, until I realize that I'm a bit low on health, and neither one of them have died yet. Not wanting to "waste" my precious healing berries (stupid me, yeah?), I fall back and let Kindle handle the monsters... After all, he's a fire type, and they're Steel.. He should be fine, right?

That's when I turn my tail around and decide to give him some help. You see, recently I learned this new attack "Bonemarang"... Or something like that.. It allows you to THROW your bone TWICE at enemies, far far away.. What a handy attack! I've dispatched many monsters with this trusty bone, and I would SAVE KINDLE with my new-found ability! So, heroicly I press "A", and let loose my first "throw" of the bone toward the horrid Steelix... And BEAT KINDLE over the back of the head, instantly knocking his brains all over the floor (I did over 100 damage on him)... We die.

Okay... So the game doesn't have such vivid graphics as "brains on floor", but... Come ON, it's a GROUND attack on CHARMANDER, and I hit him from BEHIND on the HEAD! That's even where the little bone sprite landed on him! What a loving friend I am to my little loyal buddy, right? *sigh*

First, I stared at the game in shock (after quickly turning off the screen)... Then, my eyes watered... Then I laughed... I SO need to draw a comic of that...

*sigh* Not bad for my second day of playing the game, right? *laughs nervously*

So... Has anybody else been completely embarassed by something stupid they've done in the game?


< That's me! Hello!
Has a game ever made you cry?... This one did. :p

I like my little buddy.. He's a charmander, and his name is Kindle (I'm a cubone). I've grown rather attatched to him I suppose, maybe it's all those awesome expressions he makes.. Maybe it's the fact that he sticks by my side, through thick and thin... I dunno, but I like him, and honestly - whenever somebody kills ME in the game, I'm like "oh darn"... but when somebody kills Kindle, I'm like "they must DIIIIIEEEEE!"...

So anyhow.. I'm off on my adventure in hell (the underground) to fight off Groundon in his own territory and save the day for Alakazam... I'm trudging along fairly well in the dungeon, although it's quite tough for a lowly Cubone and Charmander against all those big baddies... Although I must admit, having my friend "Affliction" (the absol) with me is quite handy. I've been using items sparingly, and yet I slowly run out... And then finally - SWEET BELOVED SAVE POINT! So I save, and have my PP restored, and my hunger vanquished... My heath is quite fine, and we're all doing well (Affliction, Kindle, and I that is)... And so off further into the dungeon we go.

Not more than FIVE MINUTES past the save point, and I "pop" into a room (out of stupidity) with a HUUUUGE Steelix floating just in front of me, and his "buddy" Steelix floating to my Flank (side). Being a bit frightened at my first sighting of such a HUGE pokemon (I mean... they're like.. 10x my sprite's size!!), I bravely decide to use my trusty attacks against them, and do fairly well too! That is, until I realize that I'm a bit low on health, and neither one of them have died yet. Not wanting to "waste" my precious healing berries (stupid me, yeah?), I fall back and let Kindle handle the monsters... After all, he's a fire type, and they're Steel.. He should be fine, right?

That's when I turn my tail around and decide to give him some help. You see, recently I learned this new attack "Bonemarang"... Or something like that.. It allows you to THROW your bone TWICE at enemies, far far away.. What a handy attack! I've dispatched many monsters with this trusty bone, and I would SAVE KINDLE with my new-found ability! So, heroicly I press "A", and let loose my first "throw" of the bone toward the horrid Steelix... And BEAT KINDLE over the back of the head, instantly knocking his brains all over the floor (I did over 100 damage on him)... We die.

Okay... So the game doesn't have such vivid graphics as "brains on floor", but... Come ON, it's a GROUND attack on CHARMANDER, and I hit him from BEHIND on the HEAD! That's even where the little bone sprite landed on him! What a loving friend I am to my little loyal buddy, right? *sigh*

First, I stared at the game in shock (after quickly turning off the screen)... Then, my eyes watered... Then I laughed... I SO need to draw a comic of that...

*sigh* Not bad for my second day of playing the game, right? *laughs nervously*

So... Has anybody else been completely embarassed by something stupid they've done in the game?

Wow... long post but, I feel your pain. I'll tell you what I did that was so similar to what you did.

Anyways, I'm trudging through Stormy sea for the first time and I bring my now fully evolved starters (Typhlosion and Sceptile, Typhlosion is the leader) 'cause they helped through thick and thin. I find somebody in my line of fire and, forgetting that sceptile was in the way, unleashed a Flamethrower. Wanna know what happened? Sceptile got OHKO'd at full health. I was saying to myself, "Oh god, I'm an idiot", and turned off the game.


I've done things like that but luckily I'm a Charmander with a Pikachu as a parnter so it never affects me that much.


<--will be mine
I did practically the same thing--except that I was controlling my Quilava partner, it was a later dungeon, and the CPU-controlled me Bonemeranged me (the Quilava)...I was so mad...especially since it was a dungeon that saves before entering...


Lol evil computer.

Lol this made me laugh so much.

I havent done that on MD. But on emerald in double battle i used Earthquake and OHKOd My Metagross.


Staff member
Super Mod
I didn't cry but I cam pretty close, it was indeed sad. Normally games don't even nring me close to tears. Its usualy books. But hey, its a good game.


Well-Known Member
I threw an iron thorn at my Magneton once, but it wasn't a big deal.

TO avoid the attacks though, use the nontraitor IQ skill - it makes it fail rather than hit an ally.


< Is tha best
LOL, yesterday I decided to test what would happen if I ate a blast seed in front of my partner, Mudkip. He didn't have a high level, but I thought that he would resistant for the attack as he's a water type Pokémon, and blast seed is clearly some sort of fire attack (right?). I killed him with that one blast seed... and I was near the end of that dungeon...


Well-Known Member
i feel sorry for you
maybe you should star the game all over again
and this time dont mess


Heart & Soul...
The movie before and after the credits...so touching...and the time I killed myself. Realy. If you use earthquake when your confused...you kinda die...


I 1HKO'ed my Charmeleon with my Blastoises Bubble once. I thought "Man I'm stupid"


Better then you
I have did something rather stupid of me in the past.(a couple weeks ago) Anyway I was going through Fiery Field as a Marowak. I decide to use Earthquake to dispatch of some enemys in my way. But after I used it I didn't know it would hit my partners(both of which were fire types). Luckily I had about 7 Reviver Seeds on me at the time.


Peace to Pokemon
Myself(Eevee),Doom(Houndoom) and my trusty Grovyle were kicking it back in sun cave, when out of no where BOOM!! up walked a Mr mime, haha i thought a clown what is he going to do i have killed many of your kind why should u bother me, so i move into a position around it so all of us can have a go of defeating this Mr mime, attacking me at range with a physbeam, meh nothing at all, confuses me, ok getting bit dizzy IQ non-traitor will make sure i dont hurt my freinds but really i shouldve of worried about them hurting me, MR mime pulls out the move substitue on me WAH?? i thought never had i seen them do that before on me, then bang 52 flamethrower from what i thought was my trusty pal Doom, then the dreaded words : Grovyle used Bullet seed, need i say more, THEY TURNED ON ME, i spoke no words just turned of my DS and slowly closed the lid and sat their in silence thinking then laughed

Caterpie Master

Oh My! Noodlesoup!
Well, I was in the Magma Cavern a while ago, when Jean-Luc(my starter, a Totodile) and my partner Peekasheu(Pikachu) suddenl;y got trapped in a Monster House.
We defeated the Monster House, and went to the other floor.
Then, when we accessed that floor, there was another Freaking MONSTER HOUSE!
Peekasheu's electric attacks had no effect because of the Lightningrod of Rhydon, and we had a low health. In other words, we were beaten up pretty good that day:(


< That's me! Hello!
Myself(Eevee),Doom(Houndoom) and my trusty Grovyle were kicking it back in sun cave, when out of no where BOOM!! up walked a Mr mime, haha i thought a clown what is he going to do i have killed many of your kind why should u bother me, so i move into a position around it so all of us can have a go of defeating this Mr mime, attacking me at range with a physbeam, meh nothing at all, confuses me, ok getting bit dizzy IQ non-traitor will make sure i dont hurt my freinds but really i shouldve of worried about them hurting me, MR mime pulls out the move substitue on me WAH?? i thought never had i seen them do that before on me, then bang 52 flamethrower from what i thought was my trusty pal Doom, then the dreaded words : Grovyle used Bullet seed, need i say more, THEY TURNED ON ME, i spoke no words just turned of my DS and slowly closed the lid and sat their in silence thinking then laughed

Had that happen to me when I got turned in to a substitute and Ice Bird (the Articuno) thought another enemy suddenly appeared and he blasted me with Ice Beam >.< Fortunatly I was a high level fire type at the time and I was about to scream at Ice Bird for attacking me before I remembered the circumstances.

rescue team powerpokes

D/P is finally here!
I didn't have buried relic because i didn't clear out my mail box >.<


Obsessed Mewtwo Fan
Before I got non-traitor, that happened to me several times. XD

I remem ber going on a recruitment mission in Great Canyon, looking to grab a Doduo. I was playing as my level 78 Mewtwo at the time, and I got confused by a Butterfree. I decided to save PP and not use moves, and instead used the normal attack. Three times in a row that normal attack hit my poor little Doduo and OHKO'D it every time. Boy I felt dumb.


Time Lord Victorious
Wow, a crazy person makes a topic. You love your partner so much, but when he dies you say his "brains" fell on the floor. In Magma Cavern my bulbasaur used razor leaf infront of my mudkip. It was funny. Another time, I was tired of my stupid quagsire, who had half his health due to an explosion trap, so I used a blast seed to get rid of him.