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I love girls, girls, girls...(YGO)

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The Requiem

How many all female decks have you seen since the new advanced list came out?

I thought so.

But I digress, as usual.

<<<<<The vixens>>>>>
[3] Warrior Lady of the Wasteland
[2] Command Knight
[2] Amazoness Tiger
[2] Amazoness Paladin
[2] Amazoness Swords Woman (Amazoness sword, lol)
[2] Amazoness Chain Master (because its funny)
[1] Magician of Faith
[1] D.D. Warrior Lady
[1] Injection Fairy Lily

<<<<<Their Enchantments>>>>>
[3] Amazoness Spellcaster
[3] Smashing Ground
[2] Reinforcement of the Army
[2] The Warrior Returning Alive
[1] NoXout
[1] Swords of Revealing Light
[1] Snatch Steal (moo cow attack.)
[1] Premature Burial
[1] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1] Confiscation
[1] Heavy Storm
[1] Dark Hole

<<<<<Their Toys>>>>(man was that wrong..)
[3] Amazoness Archers
[2] Dust Tornado
[1] Call of the Haunted

40 cards. Girls love being in control right?
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ummm... you put in Mystical space typhoon (MST) twice... XD
Originality: 8/10
Combolicious Value: 1/10
Functioning: 9/10
Overall: 6/10 (I tired to find more catergories, so you could get a better score... But I couldn't lol)

2 Tributes, "Tribute to the Doomed", "Ring of Destruction", "Barrel Behind the Door", "Call of the Grave" (only outside of tourneys), "Magical Thorn", "Card Destruction"

Tribute to the Doomed, sack powerful monster (I.E. said tribute monster), CotH to bring it back.

Attack w/ IFL, activating effect in process, Activate RoD, and BBtD to deal 6200LP to opponent. Dark Hole, then summon Tigger, to wipe em out!

Set Magical Thorn, then next turn, activate and use Card Destruction to deal up to 3000 in most cases.

And that's it.

The Requiem

Oops...Acronyms phail.

ONe of those MST's is a Scapegoat.

Tribute to the doomed? Um. Smashing > TTTD like....tenfold. Giving up 2 cards to kill 1 of your opponents = VERY bad hand management.

On top of that, you cant activate traps during the damage step unless the card states otherwise. so the most I could get from a ringbarrel on Lily is 800 damage.

Not to mention that Ring has been banned this season...


Well-Known Member
Cool deck, you should try a dark designator or two for your chainmaster. Shadow of eyes might also go well in your deck.
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