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I may be new here, but I am not new to pokemon...


The King of Shadows
Pleased to make your acquaintances. If you want some general information, well...

-I am Male
-I am 15
-My birthday is October 29th
-I have four shinies
-I have a level 85 Pikachu on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue, so I can do ALOT of difficult missions
-If I ever start to brag (I rarely do that) or Godmod (I do that by accident... alot...), then tell me to stop acting like an idiot, moron, conceited jerk, etc., and I will get the message. If I AM godmodding, then please tell me how I did so so that I can learn from my mistakes
-My favourite Pokemon is Feraligatr
-I live in Alberta, Canada
-I have several disorders, but do not hesitate to tell me to stop being a jackass if I am being one. I do not use my disorders as a crutch. *Holds up crutch* I use THIS as a crutch, however! :)

And one last note:

-My username is Shadowater, not Shadowwater, Shadow Water, or any other variation. So, if you value your life do not want to be harassed, then get the spelling right


The King of Shadows

I forgot to add:

-My favourite type is Water
-I made up a region, called Enasu. The Starters are Tormutle (The Water Type), Torsinder (The Fire Type), and Crabugeaf (The Grass Type)


1 welcome
2 whats with the tags?
jk Shadowater see ya later


That's strikethrough, which puts a line through the text. It's used to cross out lines that you don't like, usually used for humour.

Hello, welcome to the forums. Read the rules, stickies in the SPPf Help & Newbie Lounge, and have fun.


I wanted ketchup!!!
Hello and if you want me to be your friend all you gotta do is pm me