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I need a good team


Capt. of Team Funch
Ok, here's what it is. My friends and I are having a RBY battle tomorrow, and I need a good team fast. I know this may not be the best place for this, but bear with me. Also, legends are banned. So, can anyone help me out? I'm desperate...


OG Trainer
Depending on what version you have hear is some advice.

Blue version

Blastoise lv 100

Nidoking lv 100

Alakazam lv 100

Gengar lv 100

Exeggutor lv 100

Snorlax lv 100

Red version

Charizard lv 100

Dragonite lv 100

Aerodactyl lv 100

Lapras lv 100

Magmar lv 100

Hitmonlee or chan depending on which you chose lv 100

Yellow version

Pikachu lv 100

Charizard lv 100

Blastoise lv 100

Venasaur lv 100

Machamp v 100

Poliwrath lv 100

I hope this helps you in any way. I made these teams up off the top of my head. But im sure they can help.
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super noob
The Blue version team dark murasame gave you with Dragonite replacing Nidoking, is okay, but Gengar, and Alakazam are essentily the same back then. Could also try, Lapras (for STAB ice moves) or Starmie for the Lapras, Alakazam/Gengar, Magmar, Snorlax, Magneton, and I can't think or a sixth member ATM, but you could go with both Lapras and Starmie.

dark_murasame ever here of EDIT button, and the rule about multi-posting?

woot21 out dawgs


OG Trainer
Yeah but you didnt have to put it that way. i kind realized that after I multi posted and plus its not really the same post. If I didnt get banned for flaming I would flame you right now.

Free Man

Active Member
Here are some ideas for team members and movesets. I hope you have a way of getting them quickly. :p They're not all my ideas by the way... a lot of them are stuff I've picked up from others.

Slowbro: Surf, Amnesia, Thunder Wave, Rest
Lapras: Surf, Confuse Ray, Double Team, Rest
Chansey: Ice Beam, Thunderbolt/Seismic Toss/Counter, Minimize, Softboiled
Jolteon: Thunder Bolt, Double Kick, Agility, Thunder Wave
Starmie: Surf, Ice Beam/Thunder Bolt/Psychic, Double Team/Substitute, Recover
Sandslash: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Submission, Swords Dance
Jynx: Ice Beam, Psychic, Double Team, Rest
Exeggutor: Mega Drain/Leech Seed, Psychic, Double-Edge, Sleep Powder

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
You also get banned for triple posting when you are fully aware it's against the rules. Look at your merged posts.. it's amazing what the ENTER KEY can do.

As for your eam, you can't expect to have a team over night or battle. If you must, then use the six metagame OU standards. Starmie, Tauros, Alakazam, Chansey, Rhydon, Exeggutor. Whether or not you can use them or not is another question.


Capt. of Team Funch
You also get banned for triple posting when you are fully aware it's against the rules. Look at your merged posts.. it's amazing what the ENTER KEY can do.

As for your eam, you can't expect to have a team over night or battle. If you must, then use the six metagame OU standards. Starmie, Tauros, Alakazam, Chansey, Rhydon, Exeggutor. Whether or not you can use them or not is another question.
got a moveset for any of those?

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
Exeggutor - (opening pokemon) Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Psychic, Explosion
Starmie - Thunder Wave, Blizzzard, Recover, Thunder Bolt
Tauros - Body Slam, Earthquake, Blizzard, Hyper Beam
Alakazam - Psychic, Thunder Wave, Recover, Sesmic Toss
Chansey - Soft Boiled, Seismic Toss, Thunder Bolt/Counter, Blizzard
Rhydon - Earthquake, Rock Slide, Substitute, Rest


Capt. of Team Funch
I think it's gonna be the team Razor Leaf Listed, but catching Tauros is a pain in the you know what, so I may have to improvise a bit.