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I need a hand on Colloseum!

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Reject from Hell

I have a bit of trouble: I have 2 purify all those shadow pokemon 2 get Ho-oh.A while ago i had a printed paper from a site where you could see what natures that prefer what kind of purification(Battling,Calling out of H.mode etc.). Ive lost the paper and cant find the site again.If any1 knows a similar site or can tell me some hint on faster purifying plzz tell me..
Experiment with the different methods before deciding what to do. Did you check everywhere for that sheet?


Well-Known Member
Use Vivid Scent's first, some natures will be obvious such as Gentle natured ones don't like to battle. If they're not working well, battle around Pyrite and Agate, as they are easy battles, some of your Pokémon will go into Hyper Mode, see how much Calling them out of it affects them and how much using Shadow Rush and actually being in battle affects them.

Just outta curiosity, what are your last two?


Well-Known Member
PkmnTrainerJ said:
Use Vivid Scent's first, some natures will be obvious such as Gentle natured ones don't like to battle. If they're not working well, battle around Pyrite and Agate, as they are easy battles, some of your Pokémon will go into Hyper Mode, see how much Calling them out of it affects them and how much using Shadow Rush and actually being in battle affects them.

Just outta curiosity, what are your last two?

He didn't say he had 2 left. He replaced 'to' with '2' -_-

Like said, experiment, if you don't wanna, try Google or a cheat site?

Reject from Hell

Thx for all sugestions but I luckily found a similar chart to the one i had on IGN.com...well now the purifying is going better xD!

ah btw sorry if i made some of you puzzled by writing 2 instead of too its just that every1 speaks like that on Battle.Net im just a bit to used to it:p

Ah and aswell it would have taken to much time to experiment im actualy waiting for XD so well.. im in kind of a hurry to get Ho-oh so i can start playing XD quickly!
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Zelos Combatir

I never would have guessed natures affect the pokemon purification process. What nature is most effective?


Psephophthalmus artu
yes plz post a chart on this as it is new information to me;249-d;


I'm a lifesaver, me. :D

Adamant - battle
Bashful - cologne
Bold - battle
Brave - battle
Calm - daycare
Careful - cologne
Docile - call
Gentle - dayare
Hardy - battle
Hasty - battle
Impish - battle
Jolly - cologne
Lax - walking
Lonely - walking
Mild - cologne
Naive - walking
Naughty - walking
Quiet - call
Quirky - battle
Rash - cologne
Relaxed - daycare
Sassy - battle
Serious - call
Timid - daycare

There ya' go, hope it helps.


Wow, thanks for all this info, it's all new to me. This will come in great handy while I'm trying to purify the last few guys. And by few I mean about 35, I usually just battle with the same six Pokemon all the time. I'm at Deep Coluseum, so after I beat that I'll get to work. Like Reject from Hell, I'm trying to hurry up and beat Coluseum so I'll be ready to play XD freely once I get it for Christmas.
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