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I Need Advice In Mystery Dungeon


Charizard Master
I Need Advice My Leader Is A Level 61 Charizard With A Friend Bow And I Can't Get Articuno,moltres,kyogre,rayquaza To Join My Team (im Not Trying For Groudon Because Of His Chance To Join) I Already Have Zapdos But Can Someone Tell How To Get Those 4 Pokemon I Really Need Kyogre To Go To The Fiery Fields So Please Help Me;006; Vs;146; ;144; ;384; ;382;


Well-Known Member
Moltres: 52.5%
Articuno: 52.5%
Rayquaza: 12.5%
Kyogre: 72.5%
Those percentages are those Pokémon's recruit rates. You have good chances with everybody except for Rayquaza. Few things to remember is that, make the leader Charizard, and make sure it has the last hit on the opponent. Secondly, you and the opponent should not have any distance between them. Otherwise it won't join your team.


I'm too coo', foo'
Well maybe when you're battling these pokemon's and trying to capture them you have more pokemon than needed. Remember only six star size can be in your party. Most of these legendaries have a total of four so maybe you have excess.


Charizard Master

Charizard Is Always My Leader And I Move Close To The Pokemon So None Of My Team Mates Can Battle Him And With My Flamethrower I Kill Them In 2 Or 3 Attacks And My Only Partner Is Zapdos Lv 52

(whats That Stars Stuff About?)


Well-Known Member
The Zapdos is your problem then.

Body size - each pokemon has a body size which you can look up on the last page of its summary, indicated by the number of stars. Generally, most pokemon are of size 1 only, even the fully evolved starters, but ones like Onix and Lapras are about 4, so as most of the bigger legendaries. The total body size you can have on your team is 6, so let's say your leading pokemon is an Onix (size 4), you will only be able to befriend one size 2 pokemon, or 2 size 1 pokemon, and definitely not anymore size 4 pokemon


Charizard Master

Ok Now I Get It Well If I Go With My Charizard And My Partner Raichu Can I Get Them?


Charizard Master

Yay I Recruted Moltres Articuno And Kyogre Thanks Now Im Doing The Latias Mission Can Someone Tell Me Hor Many Floors Those Ot Have And How Many Floors Does Fiery Field Have Please

Ps.can't Belevie Kyogre Is Lv 25 :s