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I need Audacity help....

The Mega Champion

Well-Known Member
Does anyone here have Audacity? If so... help me out here...

Audacity can record stuff, right? Like, say, a song from a movie, right?

If so... how do you make it so it records something that your hearing from your computer, or from the movie your listening to?


If you can, be as descriptive as possible because I'm having a hard time figuring these technicalities out, thanks again.

The Mega Champion

Well-Known Member
I just want a song!!!!!!!!!! How is it that difficulty?! Geez....

Anyway... I'm trying to get a song from the movie by putting it into my CD-ROM Slot on my computer. If that counts as a DVD player, then a movie on a DVD player.

The Mega Champion

Well-Known Member
Song from the movie. I can't find the soundtrack online to just download the song I want. If I could, then I'd just do that, but I can't find them.


I dream in pixels.
I can help you. It's a very simple process.

I believe I know what you're saying, so this is what I normally do when I want to record stuff off a movie.

1. Go to Start>Run>type in "sndvol32".
2. When that's open, go to options, and hit "Properties".
3. Then change the Mixer Device to Input, and make sure everything in the "Show the following volume controls" are checked.
4. Open Audacity, then change that box above to Stereo Mix.
5. Make sure the input volume is set to 0.1.
6. Hit the record button when ready to record.

I hope that helped.

The Mega Champion

Well-Known Member
^^^Nope, didn't work. Probably for various reasons.....

1. The only choice available in my sndvol32 in my Mixer device is something called SB AudioPCI 64D Mixer. No Input choice.

2. When I loaded up Audacity, no Stereo Mix choice.



Thanks..... ^_^'

The Mega Champion

Well-Known Member
^^^ Yeah... I have NO idea. Would it be on the DVD itself or something? Because I'm not seeing it....

The Mega Champion

Well-Known Member
^^^Link's not working....

Anyway... what's CamStudio? Is it a program or is it a download? If it's a program, I'd might as well give up. If it's a download, where can I get it? Is it free or do I have to pay to get it? If so, again, I'd might as well give up.


The Mega Champion

Well-Known Member
^^^*shrugs* That's because technicalities like this suck.

BTW... I've tried Google. Didn't help AT ALL. Couldn't find the damn soundtrack/song ANYWHERE. Unless you feel like helping me find the damn thing on Google, which you obviously don't, then don't complain to me about not using Google, because I did, and it didn't help.