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i need help making a dragon deck

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Legendary Trainer
first off the deck is based on the movie promo blue-eyes shining dragon

i need to know what cards i would need to summon it fast, but also to defend while i try to bring it out( im not sure how many of each would be good enough )

these are some monster and magic cards i know that should be in it
Blue-eyes ultimate dragon - 2

blue-eyes shining dragon - 1
blue-eyes white dragon - 3
Luster dragon - 3
Lord of dragon - 3
Cyber-stein - 1
vergo - 1
goddess 3rd eye - 2
Mirage Dragon - 2
Divine Dragon Ragnarok - 2
the light hex-sealed fusion - 2
the dark hex-sealed fusion - 2
King of the swamp - 2
Injection Fairy Lily - 1

magic/trap (25)
Burst Stream of Destruction - 2
the flute of summoning dragon - 3
poly - 2
Dragon's Rage - 1
Fusion Gate - 1
Gravity Bind - 2
Trap Hole - 3
Monster Reincarnation - 1
Swords of Revealing light - 1
De-Fusion - 1
Lightning Vortex - 1
Stamping Destruction - 3
Call of the haunted - 1
premature burial - 1
Solemn wishes - 3
TOTAL (50) ..so far..
oh and 1 quick question would monster reincarnation be okay to add?
and is there any other high attack level 4 dragons i could use?
now that the list is ready i would like people to rate it, but still give advice if they want
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I'd have a Dragon's Rage, 1 or 2 Burst Stream, 2 Poly, 1 Vergo, goddess 3rd eye, Cyber Stein


-1-3 Flutes (your hand could get flooded with these and Lord Dragun is far better
-1 Vergo
-2 Goddess
-1 Fusion Gate

+1 Polymerization
+1-2 King of the Swamp
+1-2 The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion
+1-2 The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion
+0-2 Divine Dragon Ragnarok
+1-2 Mirage Dragon
+2-3 Stamping Destruction
+1 Premature Burial
+1 Snatch Steal
+1 Heavy Storm
+1 Dark Hole
+0-1 Lightning Vortex
+1 Swords of Light
+1 Torrential Tribute
+1 Call of the Haunted
+1 MST
+3 Lord Dragun
+0-1 De-Fusion (Take back 3 blue eyes... after BEUD attacks... 9000 more damage... plus defence against fusion monsters your opponents may have...)
+1 Nobleman of Crossout
+0-2 Shinging Angel (Divine Dragons and Light Hexs)
+0-2 Mystic Tomato (Cyber Stein, Lord of D's and Dark Hexs...)
+1 Magician of Faith
+0-1 Tsukuyomi (If a weaker Defence add in dragons rage...)

Ok at this point they got bad so I'll stop...
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