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I need help on the tate and liza gym

lucario the great2

Well-Known Member
plz help me i have a kecleon swampert tentacruel and pelliper
Teach them all the water types Surf and catch a Sharpedo in Mossdeep city using a super rod and teach it Surf also
And Lunatone and Solrock are part rock type, so water will work against them


<will eat your kids
yes but tentacruel will get totally owned by them.


#1 Munchlax Fan
Teach your water type pokemon strong water type moves.
Yeah, fighting types will work, but they'll get killed by Psychic


The new tuxedo look!
Try catching a sharpeedo, teach it surf and crunch and own their butt.


i don't lose
catch a ralts, level up calm mind, psychic and imprison. use imprison on the first turn, you'll have an easy time of it if they can't use calm mind/psychic. then hammer away with the others, tentacruel is is no danger once they can't psychic.


Well-Known Member
Yea a good water pokemon should have no problem