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I need help please


Grass Pokemon Guru
through out my life i have loved the pokemon games... i used to go everywhere with my gamboy... i even snuck staying up late when i was way younger just to play it... but latley it just isn't fun anymore.... i have rea=started my game and been playing it for a little while and the fun is just gone.... please give me tips on hoew to restore the fun....


The Master...
I guess I know how you feel same with my sapphire,but its fun again cuz my friends play it too!So the lesson is find some one else who plays it too!

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
I guess I know how you feel same with my sapphire,but its fun again cuz my friends play it too!So the lesson is find some one else who plays it too!
Actually, that's perfect. If you have someone to talk about it/play it with, it really helps get you back into the game. :)


Grass Pokemon Guru
i'm recently playing ruby and fire red and i have restarted each atleast 6 times

i own blue, ywllow, gold, silver, fire red, crystal,ruby, and rescue team red, and when i get my ds i am planning on getting whatever i can for it if i still am attracted to the games


I've gone through those poké-burnouts as well.

It isn't a bad idea to play and get interested in another video game besides pokémon, you can play those instead, and perhaps you will not be bored of the pokémon games.

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
Right. Ruby wasn't the greatest game ever, unfortunately. The storyline faded quickly even after the first time playing it through.

I always enjoyed restarting LeafGreen until I got mega-serious about playing it through.

Maybe you're just tired of them because they've been out for so long? I'm sure than when Diamond and Pearl are released, if you plan on getting either of those it'll be a much better experience. :)

As PDL said, I've been through points where I just lost all interest in Pokémon. Even I find that hard to believe now, but I did.

Oh, and ty_kwon_dork - next time edit your first post, instead of making a second. ;) *Shot for mini-modding*


The Anticool
i'm recently playing ruby and fire red and i have restarted each atleast 6 times

i own blue, ywllow, gold, silver, fire red, crystal,ruby, and rescue team red, and when i get my ds i am planning on getting whatever i can for it if i still am attracted to the games

You just need something new. Trust me, when D/P come out, you'll probably fall right back in love with your pokemon. ALthough, if you're bored with some I your games, I would consider selling them on eBay.


The Master...
I've gone through those poké-burnouts as well.

It isn't a bad idea to play and get interested in another video game besides pokémon, you can play those instead, and perhaps you will not be bored of the pokémon games.

True you should also have some variety.I mean if you play one game over,and over again of course it will start to get a little boring!


Grass Pokemon Guru
Thanx Guys So Much..... I Have Been Trying To Get Interested Into Some Other Great Rpg Games But There Arent Very Many Good Ones Out There............ And I So Hope Dp Is Better That Rs Because I Agree The Story Line Really Did Suck

Ahh I Had Caps On


Powerplay Champion
yeah... emerald was good though...
i mean, have you considered working on the ivs and evs of pokemon...
consider tournament play or netbattle,
all easy ways to get interested again...
and if that doesn't work, take a break until dp comes out...
the onliine feature will make it well wort playing:)
see I have the opposite problem. I can't stop restarting because I love to play through the games. Once it's finished and you have a huge leveled team etc, there's no point xD

I just restarted my sapphire. I don't think of it as a loss. though I shan't when DP comes out because then I'll be able to link up with people across the world and trade/play, so it should last longer then~

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
I tend not to restart because I get this feeling that i'll lose all those hours of play :(.

And i've gone through those periods when the game just doesn't seem as fun anymore, but they soon pass.


lol at you
well, you dont have to spend all your life playing pokemon, try something different


The Flygon fanatic
Try play other RPGs...like when the Wi comes out, get Shining force for the virtual consoles when its out for the virtual console...