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I Need help with avatar and sig stuff!

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Mystic Penguin

Attack my Penguins!!
Im really new here and i dont know how 2 work all of the avatar profile pic sig stuff. Can som1 help me plz??


Oooh, is it?
Have a Read through the FAQs. For help with the Pictures, have a look at "Signitures and Pictures" section.

Mystic Penguin

Attack my Penguins!!
thnx deoxisnator!
it did help (somewat) but i did get all lot of excess info 2 read. Wat i dont understand is how u get custom made stuff (like on paint) in ur sig.o ya and how do i pm?(srry if that seems stupid!)
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Well-Known Member
I can do some sprites and give you the url so you can put it in your sig. If you want to know how to put them... do this:
[ IMG]http://s139.photobucket.com/albums/q314/deoxisnator/Pokemon%20sprites/th_DataFormMewtwo-1.png[/IMG]

Without the space in and it will turn out like this!:


Oh, and to PM:
Almost in the uper right corner of the screen yau will see a box that says:
"Welcome, Mystic Pinguin."

Under that:
"You last visited (Whenever you last visited)"

Under that you'll see some text that say:
"Privite Messages: Unread(How many new privite messages you have), Total (How many privite messages you have stored)

Hope it helped!
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Well-Known Member
Your welcome! But I forgot to meancion the most important thing... Credits.
For example, if you did that pochama fusion, under that say:"Credit goes to me for the fusion!"

If someone else did it, credit them. I credited some people that made me a Ranger capture scene and a banner.

See ya 'round!
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