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I Need Help With Mew In Ranger


Charizard Master
I Really Need Help With Him Ive Used Every Pokemon I Can Find But He Won't Give Ive Used The Combination Of Minum And Mankey/primape But It Won't Work Can Someone Help Me Please


Well-Known Member
Mew is Psychic, Primeape is Fighting.

Psychic > Fighting..

Paralyze him with the full partner gauge and then quickly circle around him when he's on the floor and not flying.
i also had trouble with little mew. i just used my plusles full partner gauge discharge to parylize her, then i use my method of speed styling, by holding my stylus between my index, middle, and my thumb supporting it, i quickly circled the pink puff ball.


Charizard Master

Hey Thanks For The Suggestions And About Mankey/primape I Totally Forgot The Weakness

And About My Sig. I Didn't Noticed That Ill Fix It Right Away


The Sexy Kitty Cat
Correct me if I am wrong. But cant you trade between Ranger and D/P. If you can... I can get Deoxys, Mew, or Celebi... If I get Ranger and D/P


Well-Known Member
Correct me if I am wrong. But cant you trade between Ranger and D/P. If you can... I can get Deoxys, Mew, or Celebi... If I get Ranger and D/P

You're wrong, the only thing you can transfer from Ranger to D/P is the Manaphy Egg, not even a Pokémon yet but an egg.