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I need help


New Member
In Buried Relic, to recruit Mew, do I have to use the music box and go thought floors, let the leader hold the music box, or keep it in the bag?


Glitch Hunting Freak
Just keep it in the bag, using destroys it, and holding does nothing


Well-Known Member
Just keep it in your toolbox. DONT use it


Noah's Scapegoat
You get another one the same way you get the first one. Beat up the Regis then take their treasure.


Well-Known Member
A tip for finding Mew is to watch out for a text box saying, "Mew used Transform!" or, "Mew picked up the _____." Also, since Mew can look like any Pokemon, destroy anything that gets in your way. And just keep the Music Box in the toolbox.
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