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I need help!!

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#1 Vulpix Fan 4 eva.
The Shadow.

As you Marie, Lay down looking upwards at the ebony velvet sky.
Watching the clouds envelope the defencless moon, As you lay there
by the side of your friend Jane you hear her twin brother Felix in the background with Will.
All of a sudden..
More of the chapter soon
Like tell me what I should add etc.
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Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Stop. Spamming. Read. The. Rules. Read. The. Advice. Thread. Don't. Write. In. The. Reply. Box.

Does that compute since I used small words? Seriously, stop spamming, stop being an idiot, read the rules, write in a word program, write more than what would ammount to a scentence of crap that is NOT a chapter and NOT enough for a Prologue.
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