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I need help!

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He's Mad I tell ya!!
I just started playing Pokemon FR/LG a few days ago. I don't know what I'm doing! Where the heck am I supposed to go?! I woke up at this weird house with
some lady in it! Now what do I do?


Psephophthalmus artu
like uh explore, like any rpg and find professor oak


He's Mad I tell ya!!
AAAAH!! Now I tried to go to some place with grass, and THIS IDIOT SAID I CAN'T GO! Now he's taking me to a big house! THIS IS HARD!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
AAAAH!! Now I tried to go to some place with grass, and THIS IDIOT SAID I CAN'T GO! Now he's taking me to a big house! THIS IS HARD!

Umm... can you explain to us what's happening exactly? Where are you? Have you just started the game? Nobody can help you if you don't fill us in here.

I don't know 100% what's going on, but it sounds as if you're at the beginning of the game, and the 'Idiot' is Prof. Oak. Anyway, he's suppose to take you to the 'Big House' (lol, the Pokemon Lab) so that you can get your starter. He wouldn't let you go into the grass because it's not safe as there are pokemon there, and you don't have any yet.

Next time you get stuck, go to http://www.gamefaqs.com or some other gaming website and read a walkthrough.

Darkrukario said:
go to www.serebii.net
Look up Fire Red and Leaf Green.
Your answer is there

There is no walkthrough in the Fire Red and Leaf Green section of the main site.



Completing The Trio
dude you've been here since april of last year and you don't even know how to play the original games

Pkmn Trainer Gold

League Champion
I think this might be a joke topic......

it;s pretty obvious that it is i mean he has been here since april 2005 he has over 400 posts on this site and he is 13 years old if I could beat this game at six years old he could definetly get past the first town unless he is retarted but i highly doubt that since he was able to use a computer


Loving Longnecks
This joke topic really must be closed. Well here is my joke to you,
Roses are red
Violets are blue
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