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I need some Batlle Frontier help!


Blaziken Boy
Team for Battle Frontier (all level 50)
(working on Quagsire (sp?))

My play time is around 120:00

I only have 128 points and one silver badge.
All my Pokemon have great attacks.
What am I to do to get better?
First I have to see your movesets, then we'll see


Well-Known Member
you need a special sweeper in there coz all your current pokemon empasize on attack you also might want to consider on getting a tank/annoyer


Well-Known Member
Drop the machamp because Blaziken does a better job of being a fighting type, and quagsire would be a good elemental choice, but a stronger water tank might help ( milotic, or swampert, possibly walrein)
Drop Machamp, you don't need two fighters, teach Blaziken Flamethrower and Sky Uppercut and drop Fire Punch, Metagross could do with Shadow Ball and Sludge Bomb, and Quagsire should know Ice Beam, even though your better off with Milotic


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Moving to RMT.


could you get a different water then quagsire
Swampert ice beam muddy water hydro pump and rain dance

That set is terrible.

Swampert @Leftovers
-Ice Beam

Blaziken @Leftovers
-Flamethrower/Fire Blast/Overheat
-Sky Uppercut
-Rock Slide
-Swords Dance

Machamp @Choice Band
Adamant Nature
-Cross Chop
-Rock Slide
-Earthquake/Focus Punch


Machamp @Leftovers
Adamant Nature
-Cross Chop
-Rock Slide
-Sleep Talk

Metagross @Leftovers/Choice Band
Adamant Nature
-Meteor Mash
-Rock Slide
