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I need some help with Deoxys, if you have one please help me. Thank you


I recently went to Malaysia and got a rom edited game of r/b and you can get wild Deoxys in it, I caught one and tried to send it to my emerald but it said:

"The other trainer's pokemon can not be traded right now"
and i know it was talking about the Deoxys

I tried trading it to my sapphire and it worked but sapphire is not my respective game

I tried trading Deoxys from Sapphire to Emerald but it didn't work so I had a look in the Emerald guide book (by prima) and it said:

How to obtain Deoxys;
Can not get in Emerald, trade from Fr/Lg

So I tried trading the Deoxys from Sapphire to my Lg and Fr (which were completed and I got the ruby and sapphire) but it still said

"The other trainer's pokemon can not be traded right now"

can someone please help me :)


<--will be mine
That's what happens with a cheated Deoxys/Mew...those games will not accept it, and it is useless in link battels (at least on XD it is)

The only way to cheat for them and use them is warp codes...That's prolly why it doesn't work.


Well-Known Member

Sorry to say, my friend, but it sounds as if Deoxys was a hack Pokemon. I know that pokemon such as Deoxys and Mew, if not obtained from an Event or on their Islands (Birth Island for Deoxys and Faraway Isle for Mew) they won't obey their trainer or be able to be traded from game to game. Hacked Pokemon only seem to be able to be traded between Ruby and Sapphire.

All I can suggest is to find a way to get to Birth Island or get an Event Deoxys to solve your problem. Event Deoxys will be available on Wi-Fi, probably pretty readily due to the Emerald Cloning glitch and Birth Island is only accessible through a Gameshark or AR as far as I know. (the cheating devices are frowned upon but the cloning cheat seems to be valid in the Pokemon circle)


I am the game
It looks like it was hacked.


Toon link
it was probely hacked but oh well people will trade you over diamond and pearl and Battay that was quite meen

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
if it is a rom are you playing it on computer and trading via supercart? or do you mean a hacked cartridge? if it is simply a rom then get a .sav file with a legit/ warp code obtained deoxies.