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I need some help


Bullet Punch
I am playing emerald, and am now at Mauvile gym. I picked Treecko as my starter, and I am having a lot of trouble with Wattson's Magneton. This is my team right now:

Grovyle-lvl. 26, Bold nature
Golbat-lvl. 22, Jolly nature

I have a Makuhita with a Jolly nature, would that be useful? Or should I catch an Aron?



[Insert Wacky Title]
Since Wattson is an electric type gym leader, Makuhita should be a good choice, but just capture an Aron and experiment with both of them.

Legendary Raikou

Well-Known Member
I got a quick EV question. Ok, im training my Latios in Special Attack and speed. Will I for sure be able to max both of them out? Im going to battle the Pokemon they get their EV's from but im kinda confused. Can somebody please clear things out for me?


Good at Life.
Yes .. if you make sure you only battle the right guys, you'll get your EVs, just like with any other pokemon.

And the Makuhita's Arm Thrust should be able to take care of that Magneton. Any other Fire, Ground, or Fighting attack will be able to eventually beat the Magneton he's got as well.


I like pie.
why don't you just get both? you have room in your party. get makuhita give it some fihting moves and bulk up. raise your attack then use fighting type moves on magneton.


Well-Known Member
I think aron is a sorta bad choice,since aron has low special defense, but try to predict when that voltorb is gonna use selfdestruct, switch to aron, then boom, he wasted his pokemon ^.^


Powerplay Champion
just hit the magneton with any fast pokemon you have with a high special attack stat... it's magneton's main weakness


Eevee Trainer
Steel Pokemon are weak against Electric- don't use Aron. You can put him up front for the EXP, but stick with Makuhita's fighting moves to take down Wattson.

random guy

<the essence of cool
just go back to dewford and catch a geodude from the cave and train it to like lvl 15 plus and you win thats what i did when i picked treecko but i usually pick torchic so combusken can take it out


fuk yo couch ***** !
yeh, id say geodude or makuhita would be good.
but id get an aron anyway, just because aggron is a beast :)


I love garlic. :P
It sound's stupid, but i used a Swellow, as the main, when i destroyed Wattson... I trained it alot... Anyway, try to train up a makuhita... A good idea...