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I need some opinions...

Which game?

  • Starfox Assault

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Starfox Adventures

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Dragon Trainer EX

The Wanderer
Should I buy Starfox Assault or Starfox Adventures? I like the gameplay of Assault better, but I'm already on mission 5 or so, and I'm worried about how much of the story there is left,cuz I don't want to buy it if I'm already like half-way through,and I don't use multiplayer mode since I don't have friends who play this game. I'm not as fond of the gameplay in Adventures,but I've only reached SnowHorn Wastes.Anyone wanna help me out here?



perpetually tired
Starfox Assult is short, so I would rent it (you will beat it soon), but it does have multiplayer. Starfox Adventures was a poor game, but it was lengthy and had a good story in my opinion.


Super Gamer
Alot of people have told me that StarFox Assault is the better game. Sorry I haven't played it myself to judge it to help you.



Meteor Trainer
I traded in Assault, not because it's really a bad game, but because it gets old.

Honestly, the ground levels have you shooting at tons and tons of the same enemy with a laser gun that never runs out of ammo. Sound repetitive? It is.

The air levels are uninspiring compared to Starfox 64, which had creative and original enemies, and obstacles which were placed more creatively.

Starfox Assault, like I said, isn't a bad game, but not worth the $50. If it's renting it you're doing, keep it at that, because it's only 10 levels long.

Dragon Trainer EX

The Wanderer
Only 10? Gosh...Well,I think I've decided to rent Assault again and beat it,and I'll probably buy Adventures because it's a pretty fun game.Thanks you guys.

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