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I need some Pokémon. Got also Shinys.


Well-Known Member
I need some Pokémon. Got also Shinys.

FC is in my Sig.

I need those:
Dusnknoir (Calm Nature)
Dragonite (Modest Nature)
Slaking (relaxed or Sassy nature)
Swellow (hasty, olly or naive nature)
Meganium (Quiet, Sassy or Brave nature)
Feligatr (Brave, relaxed or quiet nature)
Regice (Sassy or Quiet Nature)
Regirock (Brave or Relaxed Nature)
Cherrim (Modest Nature)

I got:
Shiny Charizard
Shiny Typhlosion
All Starters (except the 3rd gen and totodile)
your shinies legit and english?
i have registeel


Dragon trainer
I have a quiet regice, level 40 untouched (i think) it has two hm moves though


i got registeel a regice (brave) and a regirock (Naughty) don't suppose that interests you for the typhlosion and palkia?