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I need some quick help!


Well-Known Member
Depends what you're EV training it for, but if for Sp. Attack or Speed, I would take it to anywhere that has Pokémon with high Sp. Attack or Speed. [/lamehelp]

Sorry, but unless you can tell me where you want him EV trained, I can't really specify anywhere.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
What stat do you want to train?
If you wanna train:
HP: Wishmur @ Rusturf tunnel
Attack: Poochyenna @ Route 101
Defense: Sandshrew/ Skarmory @ Route 113
Sp. Attack: Spinda @ Route 113
Sp. Defense: Tentacool @ anyhere you can Surf
Speed: Zubat @ Altering Cave/Granite Cave

...I hope I was of assistance...

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
What stats do you wanna train???
Speed- Zubats/Golbats
Sp.Att- Spinda (best way)

Train in level generally, the E4


Completing The Trio
why would you trade raikou over to emerlad in the first place you should of just kept him over on FR or LG


I said, Bring It ON!
speed:-altering cave preferred, but any cave will do: zubats & golbats
-------any common route: zigzagoon & linoone
sp atk:-route with ashes: spinda


The new tuxedo look!
Speed: altering cave, meteor cave (zubats)
sp.atk : route 113 (spindas)
meh,pretty much what everyone else said..