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I need: TM 26 [Earthquake] x2


« Next hunt.
Offer and we'll work out a deal.
XD Lugia with tm 26 for a legit shiny i dont already have?


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Uhh, shiny Poochyena?
do you have any of the shinies listed on your haves page?
i would give you 2 of tm 26 and lugia for either shiny eevee or vulpix


« Next hunt.
do you have any of the shinies listed on your haves page?
i would give you 2 of tm 26 and lugia for either shiny eevee or vulpix

Sadly, no.x_x Never even got the chance to start a hunt for either.=/
do you have a dubious disk?


« Next hunt.
Yes, I do.
will you trade it for my lugia with tm 26?


« Next hunt.
Yeah, let me just finish my Pineco's EV training.
k just post here when you're ready
use my diamond code please