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I really want a trainer card ='(

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Well-Known Member
Hi ppl i was wondering how you make a trainer card? i would like the one that shows all 3 region badges, orange island, and frontier symbols

if you could just like tell me some EASY not all these complicated steps into making one cause thye really have me puzzled on just where to start...
yes i know there is a forum that shows like designs for a trainer card but that didnt help me lol i need easier steps

many thnx to anyone who helps =)


You need something like Photoshop to make it.

There's a guide in the Fan Sprites and the Newbie FAQ if you need help


Well-Known Member
the only problem with that is i went to fan art section but i cant find the trainer card thing is it under a subsection sticky or wat? sry for asking so much and thnx for telling me a lil bit of how to get there and stuff =)


the only problem with that is i went to fan art section but i cant find the trainer card thing is it under a subsection sticky or wat? sry for asking so much and thnx for telling me a lil bit of how to get there and stuff =)

I think it's called "Sprite Tutorials." You can always check the newbie guide if you can't find it


Well-Known Member
k thnx ill try and look again =) if not i might ask a lil more detailed but i think i can find it thnx again


You can PM me or others if you want Trainer Cards.

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
Theres a million Trainer Card shops in Fan Art. Look around them, and ask the people who make them to explain it to you. First rule. If you don't understand something, ask the people who do. This isn't the Art forum. We deal in Forum problems.
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