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i think i found another emerald glitch or no?


Active Member
In the cave where you get smeargle by battle frontier, i used max repel and they are still appearing, is this normal or not?

Lord Umbreon

The Dark Leader
i dont know if it is a glitch but thats happened t o me to in the cave before the elit four


Gen 6 = <3
If your lead pokemon is at a lower level than the smaergles then the smaergles with a higher level than your lead pokemon will still appear so it is normal.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
In order for Max Repel to work the 1st Pokémon in your party needs to be of a higher level than all the other wild pkmn on that area.


Pokemon Trainer Max
Yeah, your Pokemon must have been quite low-levelled...
Unless they're like, higher than level 50 or something cause then it would be W3!rD.
Yeah, Max Repel only works if you leading pokemon is higher level then the wild pokemon