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I think this is the reason why there's less Pokemon merchedise


< She's preaty
Quote from http://pokemonelite2000.com
Nintendo announced that they are going to slow down the amount of various Pokemon merchandise they’ve been making a lot of. Not the games or cards, they’re referring to the “side merchandise” such as t-shirts, lunchboxes, etc. Believe it or not, there’s actually a Pokemon waffle maker. Yes, a Pokemon waffle maker. I think that’s a very clear indication that you have gone too far with Pokemon products. Pushing so many varieties of products out like that will lose its appeal, and that’s why Nintendo wants to slow it down.

If you still don’t get it, let’s use my log analogy. If you put all your logs in the fire at once, you’ll have one big fire for a short while. But if you place your logs slowly, then you’ll be able to keep your fire going on longer. Nintendo chose to put out a lot of Pokemon products, therefore, risking it to lose its appeal faster. Now they’re trying to solve the problem, but it may be a little too late. There’s already licenses given to various companies to produce these products, all Nintendo can do is do better from now on. It’s good to know that Nintendo is still focused on improving Pokemon, let’s hope they succeed.

Don't worry if you think there will be less Pokemon stuff, all the games and cards will still be strong. You'll just have less things you won't be needing, like the Pokemon waffle maker as I have mentioned (you can live without a special Pokemon one).



Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
Does this mean in Japan too? (remembers the infamous "Pokemon Sausage" commercial)


Well-Known Member
So this might explain why it is so damned hard to find Pokemon movies this day and age. I was only able to find Pokemon: LatMoM at one place. Games and cards i aint to concerned about, but finding purchasable episodes(like say the advanced battle seasons), are getting scarecer and scarecer. Figurines is a no brainer, i see a lot of them. It's the media stuff that's hard to come by.



Active Member
There's still plenty of Pokemon merchandise out there from things as small as cakes, crackers, and various candies to more expensive items like the 10th anniversary watch made by Fossil. Anyhow, if they are slowing anything down, it's only the crazy items like a waffle maker, etc. Since they noted the waffle maker, it's clear that they're talking about Japanese domestic Pokemon merchandise. There's still plenty go go aroud, so there's nothing to worry about. In fact, in the upcoming Battlefes 2006, and event for pokemon battles via DS and card game, they are going to have an area where you can buy some of the new pokemon merchandise before it goes on sale at the Pokemon Centers.

So this might explain why it is so damned hard to find Pokemon movies this day and age. I was only able to find Pokemon: LatMoM at one place. Games and cards i aint to concerned about, but finding purchasable episodes(like say the advanced battle seasons), are getting scarecer and scarecer. Figurines is a no brainer, i see a lot of them. It's the media stuff that's hard to come by.

heh,not were I live,I have to go to newyork to get them now plus they jacked the price a dollar up.good news,about time they started making r/s figurines and as soon as I have some money,I'm getting couple of them.


I think there's less merchandise because of the fact people don't like pokemon as much anymore becuase they keep making new worlds and stuff, and makes it hard to follow, but your's does make sence!

Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
A Pikachu waffle maker doesn't surprise me... Hello Kitty has her own toaster... and Monkichi has his own condoms...


Eevee Trainer
I've seen Pokemon condoms, too, so the waffle-maker doesn't bother me as much.

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
Meh, Nintendo probably aren't making as much profit as they used to, it's not as if they're going to be selling Pokémon merch forever is it? I'm not really that bothered.

And as miiche said, it's nigh on impossible to buy any here in the UK anyway.