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I wanna see a poopy pokemon game!

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Hi guys. I think that there should be a pokemon game where you get to clean up pokemon poop all over the world. It would be like Pokemon Snap, but actually be called Pokemon Crap.
You all know that pokemon poop a lot while they are fighting and training, but you never see anyone clean up their poop. I think this is why we need a game were we can be RESPONSIBLE pokemon trainers and clean up pokemon poop all over kanto and other (nether) regions!! Don't you???

DS lite man

Well-Known Member
no just NO


Well-Known Member
It took him only 7 posts for him to get banned....

Probably cos of spam posts like yours.
Anyway this idea is totally stupid. would you really expect to make any money? Would you even expect to break even? In fact I seriously doubt that it would even be considered by Nintendo.
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