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i want to know....


Fight Trainer
where is the best place to train to indigo plateau with this pokemon:

fearow lv.53
primeape lv.52
raichu lv. 53
venusaur lv.53
moltres lv. 54
lapras lv.56

thankes for helping pepole


Well-Known Member
You can train in island 7, with the vs. seeker.


Completing The Trio
I'd say that u can try to go E4.
You have good lv pokemon for there so give a try :)

you are kidding right he would get slaughtered by his rival because his rival has two fire types at least and his rivals pokemon will all be at level 60+

go to one island and train there by using the vs seeker,

to train your electric type go to fuschia and go east you should see 3 trainers the each have bird pokemon that give good exp


Here comes da boom!
One Island with Vs.Seeker and catch some Legendaries.
you are kidding right he would get slaughtered by his rival because his rival has two fire types at least and his rivals pokemon will all be at level 60+

go to one island and train there by using the vs seeker,

to train your electric type go to fuschia and go east you should see 3 trainers the each have bird pokemon that give good exp

Damn i forgot!
But yeah those islands are best place to train and those other trainers in there get stronger. I remember how i trained my 25lv Heracros in 1 island...
It was 58lv...until my brother said goodbye to it and i gave him a one way ticket to a pain house.


you are kidding right he would get slaughtered by his rival because his rival has two fire types at least and his rivals pokemon will all be at level 60+

It's completely possible for dararo to beat the E4 with his current team. I beat the E4 on my Fire Red with a team of pokemon in their 40s. It depends on the pokemon you use, their movesets, and how many Full Restores, Max Revives, and/or Revives you have.
It's completely possible for dararo to beat the E4 with his current team. I beat the E4 on my Fire Red with a team of pokemon in their 40s. It depends on the pokemon you use, their movesets, and how many Full Restores, Max Revives, and/or Revives you have.

In a fact it doesnt matter much that how much u have items.
Your fightning skills and how effectfully u use your pokemon.
You cant survive if u just use moves like Hyper Beam all time, need more moves like a sword dance, double team etc.
Strategy is that matters, not strength or power u have.


Well-Known Member
you are kidding right he would get slaughtered by his rival because his rival has two fire types at least and his rivals pokemon will all be at level 60+

go to one island and train there by using the vs seeker,

to train your electric type go to fuschia and go east you should see 3 trainers the each have bird pokemon that give good exp

I defeated the first elite 4 and rival with lv 45 pokémon


Natsu no Maboroshi
Train with the E4 (Use a lucky egg). You also get money :)


In a fact it doesnt matter much that how much u have items.
Your fightning skills and how effectfully u use your pokemon.
You cant survive if u just use moves like Hyper Beam all time, need more moves like a sword dance, double team etc.
Strategy is that matters, not strength or power u have.

Exactly. If you don't have strategy, it doesn't matter how strong your pokemon are. I'm sort of reliant on items as far as the E4 is concerned, so that's why I mentioned it. xD