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I wish I could tell you how much i loved you...(contestshipping) Rating:PG

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Pokemon Coordinator
well here goes.. my first fic.. i hope you like it..

--------Chapter 1---------
In a thick lush forest, a teenage girl was trying to find her way through the thicket. She had brown hair tied up in a red bandana. She wore an outfit matching her bandana. She held a brand new PokéNav. It was her birthday present. She had finally turned 15. She was headed for Johto. Johto was a glorious region with just-opened contest facilities. The girl was mad about contests. She had come close to winning the Hoenn and Kanto Grande Festivals. Her rival, Drew, who was a green-haired guy a year older, beat her.

As she was thinking about Johto, she tripped over a protruding tree root and fell hard. She had grazed her knee. “Ouch”, she cried as she reached into her fanny pack. “I should be more careful, Ash and Brock aren’t travelling with me anymore.” As she took a plaster out and put it on her knee, she thought of all of the good times she had travelling around Hoenn and Johto. She stood up and brushed herself off. Her PokéNav bleeped. This signalled that it was close to its destination: New Bark Town. The girl picked it up and started running towards the west. Five minutes later, she started running back from where she came. She had held the PokéNav upside down.

After running for several minutes, she stopped at a big sign. It read: New Bark Town, where new beginnings blow. Below it was some graffiti. It said: Ash waz here. The girl smiled. She started walking towards the town.

Tall buildings surrounded her as she walked into a busy town. She headed straight for the Pokémon Center. She needed to register into the Johto Contest Association. She handed her contest pass to the receptionist. The receptionist was an elderly woman. As she typed in the girl’s details she finally realised whom the girl was. “Excuse me”, she asked, “ are you THE May? I’m a big fan of yours; you just make sure you win the Grande Festival for me.” She handed the contest pass back to May. Behind her a voice said, “May, I’m surprised to see you here.” May turned around quickly, there stood a tall, green-haired teen. May’s heart melted. “Oh my god” she whispered, “he has become so fit…”
“Did you say something May?” Drew asked.
“Oh, I was just wondering if you had improved since the last Grande Festival.” May answered. Then she blushed. She was never good at lying. “I’ve got to go Drew”, May said quickly as she ran out of the Pokémon Center leaving Drew curious about her rushed exit. “Aww…young love” muttered the elderly receptionist under her breath.

As May ran out, she thought: Drew, I wish I could tell you how much I love you…
well i hope you like it..i know it appears short but it is a Microsoft Word Page...well...nearly, the chapters will get longer.
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New Member
It does not matter if it's short but ummm...long chapters would be nice^^
anyways, i liked it!
Keep it up!

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
This isn't a page. Not only that, but it wasn't very interesting. Try and pull people in. Take your time.
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