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Icey everything shop 3.0



;249-d; ;231; Hi guys! this is my 3rd shop. the others died. please, don' make this shop die1

I can do new things now!

ok, look what can I do:

Pokemon mixes ( i can mix with the 4th generation too)
Pokemon 1:
Pokemon 2:
Pokemon 3:(optional)

Mini frontier and trainer card


Frontier or Trainer Card
Trainer: Provide if custom
Symbols or badges: Choose a generation (only badges)
Number of Badges or symbols: All or the symbols\badges you want

Trainer mixes

1 fusion per person
10 people at time
Trainer3 (optional)
(I will use R/S/E/LG/FR sprites)

pokemon and trainer fusion
1 fusion per person
5 people at time
tell me what do you want to me put on that!

Trainer card
Trainer: provide if custom
Pokemon: Up to six. if shiny, bold the name. provide if custom
Badges: 1st, 2nd, 3rd or Orange Islands?
Id no.: choose 5 numbers from 0 to 9
Name: Put your name here
Background: provide it. i don't have any templates. but I use colors, like my emerald card in my sign.
Colurs disponible: Green, Dark green, Blue, Dark Blue, Yellow, Dark yellow, Red, Dark red, Purple, orange and gray.

Please request and don't make this shop die!;231; ;249-d;


Ok, If You Can Do Everything :)
Can I Have A Nidoqueen W. Tauros Please, You Choose Base :)


I have returned!
Trainer: Can you use female breeder in FireRed/Green Leaf
Pokemon: Arbok, Delcatty, Butterfree, Meganium, Snesal, Solrock
Badges: All Johto if you have them, if not Hoenn is good
Id no.: 41522
Name: Kohana
Background: Can you use the one in your sample.
Colurs disponible: Red and Black

Grandmaster Chao

Well-Known Member
Hi. Trainer Card please.
Name Super Groudon
Trainer sprite:Cooltrainer sprite from R/S/E
Pokemon:Shiney Groudon,Shiney Lugia,Lugia,Shiney Ho-oh,Ho-oh,Camerupt
Id No:15775
Background:1 in sample please
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