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I'd Like To Keep An Eye On Their First Errand! (1158)


Okay but Wistoria is actually so peak
Ash's Pokemon were extremely unnecessary here, it would've made more sense for Goh to let out his Pokemon and help, gotta grade down the episode for that shoehorning of such a third wheel character here

My only other complaint is that Morpeko did not try to eat Appletun, Morpeko would not have such restraint to not murder Appletun
*angry emoji*


Well-Known Member
Ash's Pokemon were extremely unnecessary here, it would've made more sense for Goh to let out his Pokemon and help, gotta grade down the episode for that shoehorning of such a third wheel character here

My only other complaint is that Morpeko did not try to eat Appletun, Morpeko would not have such restraint to not murder Appletun
I cant tell if you are being sarcastic...
Eh, no real reason to worry... Goh only wore his vest and cap whereas Serena wore the entire outfit...

... after changing into it right next to a feverish Ash.
Yeah... Serena was desperate


I actually think this was a very good episode, the only problem being its placement. This episode should have happened sometime after the Project Mew Arc. As it not only interrupts the flow of Episode 68 but also comes quickly after the Lucario & Cinderace Episode.


Deluded Dreamer
You do generally try and be more positive than most, even if it seems like you force it.
I genuinely really enjoyed this and the pikachu gets arrested filler lol. Ig it appears as forced because I dont talk much about episodes I disliked like the Diglett episode or Lucario Cinderace episode or the Suicune and Grookey ep, among others and if I do its about their positives, but I generally do give out criticisms too. Been avoiding it lately coz everything is already too cynical here
I could fry an egg on Goh's cheeks.


Well-Known Member
Not gonna lie, I thought this episode was going to suck, but I guess my Birthday was on my side today and I found it fairly enjoyable.

Found it fairly amusing that Team Rocket basically acknowledged that Vanillite and Appletun looked like desert (much to their horror) and looked like they were about to eat them. Also that Appletun is huge!

Wait, Ash has his team on hand? Nah, that's illegal in Journeys!
Gengar got some much needed screentime and I liked how they took advantage of his gag to coral Eevee and Grookey out of the alley.

But... why was Goh dressing up as Ash? That didn't really Goh anywhere (badum tss)
Also lol to the random@$$ Snorlax in the alley.

Not necessarily an episode that I'd go back to, but decent enough for my Birthday!