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ID # serving other purposes?

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<-Don't wake him up!
I've been thinking about this yesterday, and I was wondering what other purposes your trainer ID # could possibly serve in DP
So far we have:
Pokemon Ownage
Rustboro Girl
*Well since DP is going to have online capabilities, perhaps your in game trainer ID # could serve some sort of purpose there. :-/
Maybe you can type in your trainer ID # as a password to post your game progress, or type the trainer ID# of another person you may know that plays to check out their in game progress.:-/ I'm kind of "meh" about this idea but w/e.
Anyways, any thoughts on the matter? Oh and if you have any other ideas for other purposes regarding trainer ID please feel free to post away.


hmm cool
i was thinking we get a pda(nah cus XD,Colo)

theres a place we cant go through cuz we need a password (trainer id#)
then someone calls you on match call and tells you about the place and says u need ur id password


Wooo-wah wah
It could be for Instant (Or not so instant) Messaging purposes. Like, for example I could send someone a challenge due to their ID number, llike and ID list, etc.


The Deadman
Your forgetting that your ID no: changes everytime you play the game. So your Id no: could be the same as someone elses. (I highlighted the could, because it's a fairly low chance but could happen. Me and my friend once got one number different.)


I think they should bring the post into it more.
i mean you can buy different types of mail but its not really used.
i think you could type the trainer ID as the address and send people mail using the wireless. true id numbers can overlap but if people connect to wireless if there are duplicates then the number could be changed.

Maybe go online at the start to get the number.
The ds could always use its mac address or some other random number. they could always increase the amount of digits to create more random numbers.


Nomytaker said:
Your forgetting that your ID no: changes everytime you play the game. So your Id no: could be the same as someone elses. (I highlighted the could, because it's a fairly low chance but could happen. Me and my friend once got one number different.)

Game Freak made a Hidden ID jest incase somebody has the same ID as somebody else.


The Deadman
Cool_Sid said:
Game Freak made a Hidden ID jest incase somebody has the same ID as somebody else.
I know that, but these people are talking about trainer ID, not the Hidden ID. (The Hidden Id has squat to do with Lottery, Rustboro Girl, and Breeding.)


With the ID # would be cool once D/P come out since that Wifi is now enabled we can trade with each other and other people from around the world, maybe they can make it work in a way that pokemon from certain parts of the world are some how different and they can work out were you are from your connection, but also they could make it that a certain amount of ID # can connect to a world were you cans see people walk and stuff, so not to over populate a world they could make servers.

But heres a fact when Diamond and Pearl come out there are going to be big hits
so i would think that ID# would have a much greater use

Hao Kaiser

Aww... Crap.
According to Attack of the Show!, Mario Kart DS uses an ID system for online, so you can give a friend your ID, and they can find you on the network quickly. I guess the same could be used with D/P...and if two IDs were to overlap, it could just show the names of the user, and you select the one you were actually looking for.



Well-Known Member
It most likely serves for purposes as walking somewhere and then a friend requests a battle over match call and after the requast u go to the pokemon center and battle who ever requested the match.


Internet Overlord
It would seem that most potential uses are taken.
offtopic: I'm still trying to figure out how I won the lottery with a pokemon I caught, cause the girl said... one of the # matched it matched _poke's name_ in box _#_.

Kai Sutoraiku

Active Member
When you start a game it randomly generates an ID number(it could be the same as someone elses, butis avery low chance because the number is pretty long). An other number is generated every day for Mirage Island and maybe some others.
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