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Earth Trainer
I have come up with an idea that might sound a bit strange, but I think it is good. Anyway what I have been thinking is that someone could record themselves on pokemon emerald or another pokemon game and make a sort of TV show out of it. obviously there would be no voices, but it would be interesting to watch a trainer grow and see what decisions he or she makes. It could be turned into episodes and it may be interesting to watch. If anyone can do this and are wiolling to do this please do so as it will give me somthing to watch as the anime only comes oin once a week. However I am getting sky soon so I will be able to watch a lot more.


Heh, I did something like that awhile back. I used the footage for a music video though intead of the pokemon video journal.

Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
Sorry. I can't provide anything here, but I could e-mail stuff to you. Remember:

12. Do not ask for downloadable things such as Music, Videos, ROMs etc.

This rule stops me from publicly posting my recordings.
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