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If alakazaam and metagross are so smart....

If metagross and alakazaam are so smart why is it that they act inferior to ther dumb human trainors? If there IQ are 3,000 then why dont they make there own pokeballs and go around catching humans and forcing them to fight?

Leon Phelps

Don't Tread on Me
Maybe because they're friends with the trainers and they share a bond with them? :/

Honestly, you're thinking a bit hard about this.

Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
Well, let's see.....Kadabra can't evolve into Alakazam unless it's traded, and Metang can't evolve into Metagross unless it gets to level 45. I'd assume that Alakazam obeys the trainer its traded to to evolve out of respect for its original trainer who traded it so it could evolve (unless the trainer it's been traded to doesn't have the right badges) and Metagross forms a bond because its trainer bothered to level it up that far so it could evolve. That's just my opinion, though. ;)

Chaos Sneasel

Sneasel of Chaos
Metagross and Alakazam start out as Beldum and Abra
Neither of those Pokemon have an IQ of 3000
After all the time it takes for these Beldum to become Metang
and Abra to become Kadabra
Then Metang to Metagross and Kadabra to Alakazam,
The pokemon will have gained a close bond and trust in their trainers
And wish to continue the lives they've known and loved for their entire existence.

~Chaos Sneasel ;215;

Legendary Lucario

Lucario Rules!
If metagross and alakazaam are so smart why is it that they act inferior to ther dumb human trainors? If there IQ are 3,000 then why dont they make there own pokeballs and go around catching humans and forcing them to fight?
Firstly alakazam has an estimated IQ of 5000, Metagross is not really diferent from other pkmn, it's not super intelligent or something.
And alakazam would not catch humans because he is too smart, he knows that forcing pokemon to fight is cruel, why would he make humans do it.
The bond is too strong.......


Well-Known Member
You have a point....just weak points in the anime if you ask me....Maybe scientists put some kind of block on their brains so they wont think that stuff up? Dont know...


Knight of Oblivion
Metagross is supposed to have 4 brains which makes it smart but not having hands stops it from making stuff like human pokeballs

random guy

<the essence of cool
alakazam and metagross arent the only smart pokemon what about lapras and lati@s and dragonite


christian 4ever
i agree .............i think a lot of the pokemon are smart just like animals but they form a bond with humans because of love and care.the pokemon dosnt get to choose if he gets a good trainer or bad they are just caught.and once caught i think is their law or something to remain loyal.


Torterra Firma
Look, they have respect for humans.

absol attacker

go, my army!
i'm telling ya, it all makes sense. the differences in the balls is the amount of control they employ. imagine pokemon is real. would a giant, predacious trilobite with sickles for forelimbs really obey an arrogant, little kid like a dog and merely knock out up hundreds of small, weak creatures becuase said kid told him to out of free will? if it's not mind control, it's the virtual world the pokeballs create being drug-level addictive.


Theory 1: If Alakazam was real, it would after a while decide that loyalty to the human is pointless. It would then create things called human balls, and take all pokemon and humans under its control.

Theory 2: Their minds are like computers. Uber-smart, but unable to work on their own. They need a human to tell them what to do.

Ancient Chaos

That Guy Over There
>,< what about the ones that evolve in the wild (more like in the anime) then they have no trainer bonds and have free will???!!!
Even if they have respect for humans shouldnt they be the ones in charge? I mean 5,000 is an unnaturALLY HIGH IQ the average harvard graduate has an IQ of 185. Also in the Anime wasn't there an episode were they saw a kadabra evolve? Without trading it? So in the anime they don't have to trade thats a good explanation fo games but not anime.