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If ash was to become a gym leader


King of pirates
If ash was to become a gym leader he be a all time gym leader


King of pirates
What do you think he will be.


King of pirates
well if he did what do you think he will be


King of pirates
can you look on the tread ash pokemon battle pokemon


King of pirates
He might be a fire type gym leader


I think he'll be a traveling trainer for the rest of his life.

If they changed Ash's goal to something that required him to stay in a single place, the show would be finished.

That being said, this topic is stupid.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
It looks like squirtleboy12 and dechoudens had a kid.


King of pirates
know that you think about it is stupid so never mind


Sandshrew fan
Well obviously Ash is eventaully going to go off to a secluded mountain area that can only be reached by flying, surfing, whirlpooling, waterfalling, flashing, etc. where he will spend all his days alone training with his fully evolved Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Pikachu, and Snorlax, waiting for obnoxious up and comers to make the journey to come challenge him.



Turnabout Pokemon
Pokemaster, you don't need to start a new post for every single sentence you write.

Also, I highly doubt Ash would ever be a Gym Leader.


King of pirates
how do you become a gym leader


King of pirates
I mean how do you work up the ranks


Emperor Coordinator
The rules, they are at the top of the site. They include NOT double posting, NOT making a new post for every sentence, and, my personal favorite, USING ENGLISH THAT EVERYONE CAN UNDERSTAND. And Ash will be a gym leader. The same day that pigs fly out of monkey's butts.