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"If" list for starters


Sign the DM Petition
Only rule, just saying, no flaming. Add ideas.
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Other hand EEVEE.
dont post dat many smilies


Well-Known Member
It's gonna be Leafia and the other new Eevolution I bet.


I'm Back? YAY!
Yeah....so far in these sort if gMES IT HAS BEEN Eevee all the way...Leafia and Glacia all the way then...

ninetales catcher

ninetales trainer
i hope it isnt eevee, i hope you get to decide, out of like 10 different pokemon, so more variaty


Natsu no Maboroshi
I like Ralts.


Well-Known Member
I was lazy... The idea of choosing your starter by a quiz, that's one point I wanted to get across.

But it'd have to be different than what we saw in Mysterious Dungeon as those games tried to match a pokemon with you personality. Battle Revolution would have to try and find a match for the things you like.


OG Trainer
I hope its not leafia and glacia. Weve used the eveelutions for two games. I think its time for change. I want it to be one of the kanto hoenn or shinou starters.

Silent orange L.V.12

Where's the ban?
Eevee.Because it's been related to or the starter in colo/XD.

Munchlax. Seeing how it's like a mascot it could possibly be.

Pre-evo of Lucario(Forgot the name). Lucario was kind of like a mascot too.


Torterra Firma
Hope Rioru, Beldum, even though it sucks *****, Ralts, Johto and Shinou starters, and Darkrai. Heh, kiddin' 'bout Darkrai. Aron is a good idea, though. IMO.
My guess is Leafia and Glacia (by the way... does anybody else think they'll just call them Leafeon and Glaceon?)

I doubt it'll be something like Aron. It's too common.


Well-Known Member
Can't you catch eevee in Diamond/Pearl? I really think that the starters should be something that you can't obtain by other means...