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If Megas could hold items would be some interesting combinations


Live freely
Choice Specs/Band Mega Lucario/Beedrill would be busted


Veteran member
Mega Mawile with Life Orb


Veteran member
Mega Rayquaza shows how broken a Mega that can hold an item really is. I wonder if there's any non-legendary Mega Evolution who'd fall under Anything Goes(aka the "too broken for the tier of purposefully broken Pokemon")


Zard Y would be amazing if it could have that new Heavy Boots item from the new games. Life Orb or Focus Sash Mega Zam would be really dangerous too. Or Mega Medicham with a sitrus berry.


Pokémon Master (Kinda)
Mega mew two with life orb or Heracross with choice band.Also I could see Aggron being good with leftovers