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If one Manga Character had to die, Who would it be?

So... who should die?

  • Red

    Votes: 12 9.0%
  • Blue

    Votes: 7 5.3%
  • Yellow

    Votes: 8 6.0%
  • Gold

    Votes: 8 6.0%
  • Silver

    Votes: 14 10.5%
  • Crystal

    Votes: 2 1.5%
  • Ruby

    Votes: 5 3.8%
  • Sapphire

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Emerald

    Votes: 46 34.6%
  • Wally

    Votes: 30 22.6%

  • Total voters


Serial Fangirl

The original thread was closed but no reason was posted. It was pretty interesting... so I'm going to start it again. If any of the mods have something against this, then please lock it :).

I'd say Emerald. He is just so wierd and he's pretty useless. There really is no point of him being added. I thought Wally was there in his place :p.


Moose with the Pen
I love all the manga characters, even Emerald, but I think it'd be sad if Silver died. I don't know why, I'd just be really sad, which is a good sign that the story is good if it makes me actually feel something.
But I wouldn't mind THAT much is Emerald died >_>.
Im not in favor of any of them dying but if anyone, I'd say Emerald. Then he gets brought back by someone's wish on Jirachi.


I have no idea why the hell people would pick Emerld, I know he is the most ... werid of all dex holders, but thats not reason for him to die.

Silver probably have the most chance of dying, because he's all Giovani's son and with all the redemption crap done by netkun, hes probably not gonna bother me again.

Red also probably gonna die, if he EVER make an appearance in the newer series. He's pretty much useless now (sigh... once the greatest trainer of all).

But honestly, Pocket monster special is for gr 4-6 kids, i doubt any character is gonna die.


Well-Known Member
I sincerly hope Gold He's like a sickly version of Red
I do'nt like emerald and thin the star of the battle frontior series should have been Waly realy. (He had the sceptile originaly and acts as the 3rd main trainer in R/S series

I have no idea why the hell people would pick Emerld, I know he is the most ... werid of all dex holders, but thats not reason for him to die.

Silver probably have the most chance of dying, because he's all Giovani's son and with all the redemption crap done by netkun, hes probably not gonna bother me again.

Red also probably gonna die, if he EVER make an appearance in the newer series. He's pretty much useless now (sigh... once the greatest trainer of all).

But honestly, Pocket monster special is for gr 4-6 kids, i doubt any character is gonna die.

Stevon dies of exhustion after transering so much energy to the Regis and Archi's Tenetacruel kills Courtney.

Edit: Norman dies to from the strain of being conected to Raquaza
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Ruby & Gold fangirl~
I don't like Red.
I just don't.
So I picked him.

If not red, I'd pick Emerald.
I think Mitsuru(wally) should have been Emerald, but that's just me.


Well-Known Member
I went for Ruby... in an act of selflessness.

Ed Elric Bunny

bunny rabbit <3
Shouldn't this thread be more like,"What character would you want to leave?" Killing seems like too much. o_o

I think Gold would probably die doing something reckless.
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Well-Known Member
Shouldn't this thread be more like,"What character would you want to leave?" Killing seems like too much. o_o

There's a difference... people may like a character but still provide reasons for them dying.


None of them "died", Ruby used his Serebii to travel back to time and saved them. And no, wionna and wallace did not die. Only Norman and Daigo

Ed Elric Bunny

bunny rabbit <3

;o; I think he'd do somthing HEROIC. DD: Theres a differaannce!

Edit: ...>( Why is my spoiler thing not showing up

I think I totally miswrote that. xD; Knowing Gold,it'd be heroic AND reckless. Yes,both. x: