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If one more American-Exclusive was be done...


Beyond repair
If one more American Special was done what should it be in your opinion?

In my opinion it should be somewhat a sequel to Raikou Special. I would love to see my favourite characters one more time with some new Pokemon. It should feature Ho-oh in my opinion. It would be also very cool if it included cameos of some "missing" characters like Will and Karen. Back to Johto... It's what I love!
NO! It's should be a special based onLT. SURGE!!

Why? Cause the special, after all, is debuting in....AMERICA!
Special based on the Ludicolo Revolution!

Viva la Mexico!

Korobooshi Kojiro

"A Story of Love and Taco's: The Journey of Makishi and the Band of Lucidolo"

"The Seventh Seel"

"Jaws: Sharpedo's First Stand"

"Korobooshi and Greggle's EXCELLENT adventure"

"Max PAYNE!"
"A Story of Love and Taco's: The Journey of Makishi and the Band of Lucidolo"

"The Seventh Seel"

"Jaws: Sharpedo's First Stand"

"Korobooshi and Greggle's EXCELLENT adventure"

"Max PAYNE!"

Those are also great. except the first one needs to feature the mexican marikarp salesman and that mexican dude with the sombaro who's name i forgot.

"Mime" by Stephen King
"Surgeinator: Judgement Day"
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Well-Known Member
One with the regis would be great!

-Chimungus ;457;


Yeah, ok!
A May swimsuit special set in Johto with Drew trying to hit on May and Harley trying to hit on Drew.

It would be the greatest.

High Commander Solomon

This is MADNESS!
A tale of pirates and ninjas in the style of "How to Kill a Mockingbird." Explosions, lasers, extremely high animation budget! I'm sorry, that would own the hell out of that May thing.
A tale of pirates and ninjas in the style of "How to Kill a Mockingbird." Explosions, lasers, extremely high animation budget! I'm sorry, that would own the hell out of that May thing.
All our ideas would own the CC's May idea. Except Chimungus' idea.

Shin Ura Yuuki

Red's Follower
I'd like an episode where Ash is on a losing streak and the Elite Beat Agents help him to kick *** once again. >>;

To be serious, I'd like a new opening that's American exclusive like Pokemon Johto League Champions, in terms of animation. When D/P starts, the intro's going to look pretty boring except for the scenes of Ash's Pokemon doing attacks and Shinji appearing.