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If one piece characters were pokemon


My favourite
what pokemon do you think that luffy, zoro, nami, usopp, sanji, chopper and nico robin would be if they were pokemon?
post other characters too as well

the strawhats:

luffy - aipom (monkey and just remembers me of luffy) kojiro youre right he doesnt fit as eteboss

zoro - scyther (it uses swords)

nami - castform (she can change weather and use weather based attacks)

usopp - dont know yet, maybe remoraid?

sanji - hitmonlee (it is based on kick attack + it can learn blaze kick now ;) )

chopper - stantler (obvious)

robin - dont know, tangela?


garp - slaking (big and is a monkey (or ape))

kaku - girafarig

wapol - munchlax/snorlax (can eat any thing)

django - hypno (good!)

rotomu - ener (just reminds me of him)

pell - pidgeot

chaka - lucario?

lucky roux (shanks fat friend) - beroberuto

fukoru (sp?) - banette

van auger - kingdra

kuromarimo - jumpluff (fits him)

mods, plz close or move this if you think its wrong or idiotic
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My favourite
yeah maybe sudowoodo but it has no range attacks like usopp have

i say zoro b/c it is so in sweden

but i didnt say ruffy instead of luffy


Johto Champion
zoro? dont you mean zolo? zolo sounds MUCH better than zoro!

otherwise, i agree
Uncutpokemon... You know where you are... Don't even state it. I'll handle it.

Zezrex, his original name was Zoro, that usually why you see more people use that spelling. You, ofcourse, are free to use whichever spelling you want.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Zolo > Zoro???

Anyway, I thought of this once...(and now I have 100+ ones to consider)

Luffy- Aipom. Eteboss is just...dunno, not fit.
Zoro- I'll go with Erlade, I guess. Dunno why, I had Scyther pre-DP, but Erlade seems to fit as well.
Nami- Nyaruma, has the feminime and thief look to it.
Usopp- Sudowoodo, obviously.
Sanji- Lombre, because I can picture it smoking.
Chopper- Um...a humanoid Stantler??? 0.0
Robin- I would go with Eteboss, but Aipom is Luffy, Alseus has many "hands" but a ledgendary would be weird. Hell, I'll just go with Mojanbo. A sexy one, woot!
Franky- Machoke, it already has the speedo.
Buggy- Mr. Mime, triple duh!
Mohji- A Teddiursa, since he reminds me of a bear.
Cabaji- Hitmotop, because he's acrobatic sort of.
Kuro- Persian.
Django- Hypno, since it has the pendelum.
Krieg- Cloyster
Pearl- Um....Dootakun?
Arlong- Gablias
Hatchi- Octillery
Kurobi- Mantine
Chuu- Remoraid?
Smoker- Torkoal, cause it exhales smoke.
Ace- Mokouzaru, obviously it fits so well with Luffy Aipom.
Wapol- Snorlax, as most will say.
Crocodile- Feraligatr is tempting...but it ain't sand related really...I wanna go with Karabudon...but....I dunno.


Old Coot
franky could be a metang too
Nah. Kojiro's makes more sense due to the muscle strength and fact that both wear speedos. XD

Sanji makes more sense to be Kapoera more than Sawamura, though. Especially since both don't really use their hands during fights and we see that the two tend to spin around while kicking.

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
I have ideas for the Baroque Works.

Crocodile: I was gonna say Sandslash, but Kaburadon seems likely too.
Nico Robin: Etebossu?

Mr.1: Sycther perhaps?
Miss Doublefinger: Togepi/Roselia (both have spikes)

Mr.2: Ditto/Blissey mix

Mr.3: Farfetch? (Some sort of laughing pokemon?)
Miss Goldenweek: Smeargle

Mr.4: Hariyama
Miss Merry Christmas: Diglett

Mr.5: Electrode
Miss Valentine: Altaria?

Mr.8/Igaram: Flaffy?
Miss Monday: Machop

Mr.9: Politoed

I left out Vivi, she dosnt count. And Mr.7 and Miss Fathers day - cant think of anything.


Old Coot
I have ideas for the Baroque Works.

Crocodile: I was gonna say Sandslash, but Kaburadon seems likely too.
Nico Robin: Etebossu?

Mr.1: Sycther perhaps?
Miss Doublefinger: Togepi/Roselia (both have spikes)

Mr.2: Ditto/Blissey mix

Mr.3: Farfetch? (Some sort of laughing pokemon?)
Miss Goldenweek: Smeargle

Mr.4: Hariyama
Miss Merry Christmas: Diglett

Mr.5: Electrode
Miss Valentine: Altaria?

Mr.8/Igaram: Flaffy?
Miss Monday: Machop

Mr.9: Politoed

I left out Vivi, she dosnt count. And Mr.7 and Miss Fathers day - cant think of anything.
How could you forget the Unluckies? Buoysel as Mr. 13 and Onidrill as Miss Friday.

Yadoran makes more sense as Mr. 4 as both of them are extremely slow in the head and take a while to register pain.

Yadoking fits more with Mr. 9, while Nyorotono is a better fit for Miss Father's Day.
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i just thought of one for Nico Robin, how about Jynx? they both have dark/tanish skin (after all back when Jynx had the dark skin, it was thought to be based off some fad were girls would make their skin realy realy tan) and to add to that, they both have realy big... oh and add one more point to the idea of Sanji = Hitmontop!


Old Coot
Yadoran's capable of dishing out quite an amount of power. :p It's also somewhat big itself.

As for Robin..nah. Rougela doesn't work as she doesn't have bulbous lips or blond hair. And you know..add antlers to Himeguma, along with shorts and a top hat, and you have yourself Chopper.


Stabby McStabface
To the Water7 arc...
Rob Lucci: Rukushio
Hatori: Ehh...Pidgey or Togekiss or any generic bird Pokemons
Kaku: Girafarig
Califa/Kalifa/Carifa/Karifa : Well, maybe Roselia or Rozureido (Female and have thorns) or Flaafy (Bubble bubble fruit)
Paulie: Uuuh...Mojambo >< or Machop?
Blueno: Tauros.
Iceburg: Camerupt?
Kokoro: Dewgong?
Chimney: Smoochum
Gonbe: Mimimoru
Spandam: Spinda(m)
Fukurou: Noctowl (he resembles owl) or Golem?
Kumadori: Hmm....Male Jinx?
Nero: Buoysel?
Sorry i'm bad at this

Zero Nexus

Stand up, go for it
Uncutpokemon... You know where you are... Don't even state it. I'll handle it.

Zezrex, his original name was Zoro, that usually why you see more people use that spelling. You, ofcourse, are free to use whichever spelling you want.

oh right, i see now.
ms fathers day is a gregurru... DUH! and mr 7. uh... i dunno.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Spandam- Even know he is supposed to be like a "Panda", for some reason I don't see Spinda fitting him....maybe an Ursaring with a mask? Funkfreed would turn into a Donphan-sword obviously.

Rob Lucci- Since he changes into a Leopard, the closest thing I could pick would be Manetric, I guess. Hattori would be a Pidgey, but like Pluto in Mickey Mouse he wouldn't be anthromorphic like the Pokemon who are human characters.

Kaku- I guess Girafirig due to the Giraffe power of his. I dunno how the second head would come into play.

Jyabura- Since he has the Wolf Devil Fruit, I'll go with Mightyena (close enough to a Wolf). And no, I don't know how the Fruit would work in Zoan types...

Blueno- Pinsir. Yes, I know Tauros is the most likely, but Dalton seems to deserve it more. Pinsir's horns are in the shape of his hair kind of...

Kumadori- Shiftry, mainly because of the hair. I hope he doesn't get mad at me since I didn't use a lion, but Rentoora just wouldn't cut it imo.

Fukurou- I need a Pokemon with a BIG mouth, and Masukippa fits quite nicely. I can imagine that thing's mouth with a zipper. XD (did I mention how amazingly unique One Piece characters can be?)

Kalifa- I'll go with a very femme Golduck, who can make alot of bubbles....then again, maybe Flaffy to fit the Sheep motif?

Nero- I say Weavile, since it is a Weasel and has red on it's head like the hat Neo has.

Spandine- A maskless Ursaring, like his son.
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