My favourite
what pokemon do you think that luffy, zoro, nami, usopp, sanji, chopper and nico robin would be if they were pokemon?
post other characters too as well
the strawhats:
luffy - aipom (monkey and just remembers me of luffy) kojiro youre right he doesnt fit as eteboss
zoro - scyther (it uses swords)
nami - castform (she can change weather and use weather based attacks)
usopp - dont know yet, maybe remoraid?
sanji - hitmonlee (it is based on kick attack + it can learn blaze kick now
chopper - stantler (obvious)
robin - dont know, tangela?
garp - slaking (big and is a monkey (or ape))
kaku - girafarig
wapol - munchlax/snorlax (can eat any thing)
django - hypno (good!)
rotomu - ener (just reminds me of him)
pell - pidgeot
chaka - lucario?
lucky roux (shanks fat friend) - beroberuto
fukoru (sp?) - banette
van auger - kingdra
kuromarimo - jumpluff (fits him)
mods, plz close or move this if you think its wrong or idiotic
post other characters too as well
the strawhats:
luffy - aipom (monkey and just remembers me of luffy) kojiro youre right he doesnt fit as eteboss
zoro - scyther (it uses swords)
nami - castform (she can change weather and use weather based attacks)
usopp - dont know yet, maybe remoraid?
sanji - hitmonlee (it is based on kick attack + it can learn blaze kick now
chopper - stantler (obvious)
robin - dont know, tangela?
garp - slaking (big and is a monkey (or ape))
kaku - girafarig
wapol - munchlax/snorlax (can eat any thing)
django - hypno (good!)
rotomu - ener (just reminds me of him)
pell - pidgeot
chaka - lucario?
lucky roux (shanks fat friend) - beroberuto
fukoru (sp?) - banette
van auger - kingdra
kuromarimo - jumpluff (fits him)
mods, plz close or move this if you think its wrong or idiotic
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