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If pokemon really exsisted what six pokemon would you have


Well-Known Member
i keep wondering what would life be if pokemon really exsisted so this idea got me thinking what pokemon would you have if pokemon really exsisted dont forget a reason

Mine would be

Charizard: cause he could fly me everywhere and smite my enermies >.>
Steelix: He could cause massive earthquakes and smite my other enermies >.<
;munchlax; Munchlax: Because he reminds me of me just sleep and eat a true role model to us all
Totodile: Dance for me totodile entertain me
Bulbasaur: He could smite my enermies Woot
Lucario: Cause his super cool ^_^

The pichu duet


Cyper King
Look at my trainer card, lol, but maybe a few of them that havent fully evolved yet?


Well-Known Member
Six Sneasels or Sneasel, Persian, Misdreavus, Cradily, Rentoraa and Gyarados. Favourites for the win.


Mantine, Sudowoodo, Noctowl, Espeon, Umbreon, Magcargo.

All pretty crap in terms of gameplay, I'll admit. But they're my favourites, so I'd use them in RL.


Beginning Trainer
totodile, charizard, dragonite, tyranitar, kaburaisu, umbreon


Po!son is hunting...
Po!son TC on the left! Poison Types > All. Koga can't touch this


uh... juxtaposition
I'm a visual kind of person:

;134; Vaporeon

;136; Flareon

;027; Sandshrew

;162; Furret

;418; Bouysel

;187; Hoppip

Sweet.. None of them have specific reasons (fly me to school? no thanks. I'll take a car.) They're just my favorites, and they all seem like they'd be happy and loving. So hooray.


Active Member
Its so hard to choose JUST six. I'd have 17 pokemon, the one I like the most from each type

Heracross: Cool bug, I liek the horn. Megahorn!
Houndoom: I like his looks, the whole H0UNI) 0F I)00M is pretty cool. Crunch!
Dragonite: The original Dragon, I always liked the cute thing: Outrage!
Raichu: I've had a soft spot for the Raichu line (coughanimecough) Thunder!
Primeape: I loved him out of all fighting types. Crazy Monkey ftw. Focus Punch!
Charizard: Childhood favorite. I love him. Blast Burn!
Altaria: What? Its a cloud-bird thingy ;p. Sky Attack!
Banette: I like him for an odd reason. Shadow Ball!
Venasaur: I love Venasaur, was my starter in Pokemon Red. Frenzy Plant!
Dugtrio: Don't ask XD. Earthquake!
Jynx: Pokemon Stadium, Lovely Kiss. Blizzard!
Snorlax: Me and him can relate XD. Hyper Beam!
Muk: I liked him from the episode where Ash captures him. Sludge Bomb!
Gardevoir: Tough choice, but I liked the whole 'sense emotion' thing. Hypnosis/Dream Eater Combo!
Sudowoodo: A tree look-alike thats a rock. Crazy. Rock Slide!
Aggron: He looks awesome. Steel Tail!
Blastoise: I love the Kanto Starters ;p. Hydro Cannon!
The top six would probably be my team while the others would be at my house. I could switch out and stuff. The attacks listed would be their strongest attacks.


Furret rocks
My favourites, Furret, Gyrados, Dragonite, Charizard, Flygon and Kingdra.


Beginning Trainer
so sorry my reasons are because totodile is my fav, dragonite, tyranitar, charizard and kaburaisu are tough and umbreon for a mix.


Viva La Revolution!
Blaziken - He's my favourite!
Shiny Flygon - He's also my favourite and he could fly me places
Sceptile - Uber guardian!
Glalie - Cool me down on hot days
Swampert - Just like him
Shiny Gardevoir - She could use her psychic powers to do some really cool stuff!



YOUR best friend
Being boringly realistic, my team would be this:

Roselia - since we're both flower children, I think I'd get along with a Roselia remarkably well.
Granbull - I've been around dogs since I was four, and wouldn't be able to survive without a doggy companion!!
Wingull - I'm a scary pigeon lady, and with pigeons come seagulls. Wingull is small, cute and harmless, a perfect little chum.
Garmeil - 'cause I want a moth, dangit! I chose Garmeil because it's my favorite non-poisonous moth Pokemon.
Blissey - my health is a complete and total trainwreck. >_> Blissey could support me, yaayy!

...I dunno about the remaining one... maybe I'd just get another Wingull.

Of course, if I were a cartoon character, my team would be the one in my sig simply because they're my favorites.


lol at you
it's nice to see that people arnt picking legends.. if pokemon was real, i doubt anyone would have a legendarie.. i probably just have a mawile


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
the pokemon in my sig, weavile, absol, houndoom, donkarasu, sharpedo, shiftry theyre all cool, tough n my faves :D