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If the Diamond boy comes out in the anime what do you think would be his role?

I wonder if the boy character of Diamond and Pearl will come out. I think the anime writers will surprise us and have him come out, not like what happened with Branden.

Korobooshi Kojiro

You mean if he comes out....of the closet?

XD, sorry, but the title asked for it.

Kouki will probably just appear in TWOP segment in the movies.

Now, Jun should TOTALLY be Hikari's male rival, who is hopelessly in love with her.


Well-Known Member
A cameo, like brenden.

-Chimungus ;457;

Sushi Bunny

ハチミツをたべてる フっフっフっ
You mean if he comes out....of the closet?

That was the first thing I thought to when I read the title.

Umm... I'm not sure what he'll do, maybe contests?


Pokemon Trainer
Maybe he could appear as a Salesman in Renegade City he will be selling Nintendo Wii with games

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
Ash is basically already wearing the D/P boy clothes...


Ash fan girl! Cute!
Hmm my guess is be a rival for Hikari or just a random filler character for Hikari's contests.


Mayness Yayness!
comes out? In what sense....And he might be the profs aid like he appears to be in the game