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If this isn´t wierd....

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2 sweet hell n beyon


WTF? Your first pic is different to the one I have!? Maybe they edited it in later editions?
Anyway, when I have time, I'll scan the pic


In lucid awakening
Actually, her hair's been actually consistent (the puffy style) in the comic volumes. The first two pictures, I believe, were from Netkun.com, which uploads pictures of the comic when they were released in the monthly magazines. At that time, the writers probably weren't desicive on how to draw her hair, and thus kept changing it. But when these were compiled into the comic volumes, they were redrawn or touched up and were all curly.

This happens quite often, I mean a change between the magazine versions and the final comic volumes, either graphic wise or plot wise. Just taking the Wally chapters as another example, he was referred to as the third pokedex holder of Hoenn when his chapters were released in the magazines, but now that they are compiled into the comics, it's actually clear that he's only intended to keep the dex temporarily until it goes to Emerald.



I own the 5th gen
a shame, really. I like her with the wavey hair.


Agreed. :( She still looks hot either way, so I don't really care...even though wavy looks a bit better....


It's not about the stress. When people draw things, it's never exactly the same. It's just not physically possible. Unless you copy and paste images, and people would never do that in a published manga.
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