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if you could be any legendary


Psychic Master
;151; if you could be any legendary what would it be and why would you be that one. and what would you do with the powers that it has. plus where would you live!! ;151;


<- sensual
this;488; !!Because it can levitate!


Well-Known Member
I would either be Diaruga, Aruseus, or Entei. It would be fun to control time, and if I was Aruseus I'd be able to make anything whatsoever, and as Entei...well...I'd get to bark and have volcanoes erupt. I'd be able to run at insanely fast speeds, and it would be just great to feel its strength. As for where I'd live...as Entei I'd be a wanderer, as Diaruga and Aruseus I would just live somewhere off in the distance and try not to interfere with the lives of other species.


<("<) (>")>
i'd be a raquaza for a few reasons i could hyper-beam any1 i want =P.
and i could fly anywhere


Powerplay Champion
im gonna agree with mew...
you can fly
transorm into anything you want...
plus mew seems happy all the time:)


uh... juxtaposition
;144; Articuno because it can fly and all that jazz, and it's also the best looking of all the legendary birds.

Close second is Suicune. ;245; =]


Furret rocks
I'd rather be a Furret, myself.


Gust of Wind
id be mew, he lives in a great big tree and transform all the time.


Natsu no Maboroshi
I'd be a shiny serebii, because I can time-travel...:p


I love garlic. :P
... As i would't be MUK, i would transform in to..... Mew... I love that cute littel thing... I would fly around, an help other pokémons... And say to everybody:
"Hallo my daugther/son..." Hihihi...


The Plot Thickens
Rayquaza so I could live in the clouds,Ho-Oh cuz he's awesome , or Manaphy because he is my fave legend. :p
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Vent's Theme

Pretty Dolls
Suicune; mastery of the water element, super speed, ability to purify water, two equally awesome brothers/sisters. ^^;

Hunting down a trainer to have as a partner would also be cool.


I'd probably be either Jirachi (Who could have guessed) or Darcry

Jirachi because I could make wishes for myself if I wanted to and Darcry because I could haunt you when you sleep =P